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Fair Borrisoleigh by Louise Hennessy
Louise Hennessy recites Fair Borrisoleigh, originally composed by Pat Mahon.

Lovely Fair Ileigh by Timmy Delaney
Timmy Delaney sings Lovely Fair Ileigh. This song captures the spirit of who we are and where we come from.
The Wind in the Willows by Mary Sheridan Maher
Mary Sheridan Maher from Curraleigh sings this timeless favourite – The Wind in the Wilows
An Old Irish Air by Tim McSherry & Guests
Tim McSherry & Guests play the old Irish air – Believe me if all those endearing young charms.
My Lourdes Experience by Karen Ryan
Karen Ryan reflects on the amazing time she had as a fifth year youth helper in Lourdes in June of 2007
Pauric Maher & The Niall Mellon Township Trust
Pauric Maher speaks to Michael Barry about his unforgettable experience with The Niall Mellon Township Trust in November 2007
Maria Ryan & Niamh Lyons speak about visit to Auschwitz
Maria Ryan and Niamh Lyons share their experience of visiting Auschwitz on a School Trip.

Charity Cycle for 2007
Ruairi O’Connell, one of the Charity Cycle organisers, being interviewed with Jim McMahon, Principal of St. Anne’s school in Roscrea – beneficiary of the 2007 Charity Cycle.
Katie Lyons – fundraiser event
Katie Lyons speaks to Margaret Cowan about her fundraising activities for the diabetes Federation of Ireland.
Interview with local Latvian Carina Ryan
Carina Ryan from Latvia talks about her experience in Ireland since she arrived here in 2002.
Declan Fanning Interview
An interview with Tipperary’s All Star of 2007, Declan Fanning