26 February 2025

Track-Attack Club Notes


Borrisoleigh Kilometres

Back – (L-R) Christy Slattery (Track-Attack), Ralfs Vilande, Lillian Ryan (Parent Assoc), Sean Stapleton (Men’s 1km sponsor), Michael Small (school Principal), Marie Maher (Parents Assoc), Declan Maher (Track-Attack)
Front – pupils Charlie, Jack, Jack, Matthew, Niamh, Fiadh, Eimear, Cillian, Zac, Tommy


The track in Borrisoleigh is the place to be next Friday night as Track-Attack teams up with Scoil Naomh Cualán to bring you the inaugural Borrisoleigh Kilometres.


Proceedings kick-off at 7pm with a 1km walk which like the following 4 runs will be held under lights on the track. The walk is being kindly sponsored by Eamon Ryan Car Sales. At 7:15pm, the Primary School Girls 1km run will begin. Sponsored by Tom McInerney Plant Hire, it promises to be a cracking event and it is open to girls from all primary school.

Tom McInerney – Girls 1km sponsor presenting sponsorship to Track-Attack’s Christy Slattery


Donal Hurley – Boys 1km sponsor presenting sponsorship to Track-Attack’s Christy Slattery

Next up will be the Donal Hurley GALA sponsored Primary School Boys 1km run starting at 7:30 and then this will be followed by the Women’s 1km run which is sponsored by Denis Ryan’s Garage in Borrisoleigh at 7:45. To close off the track activity, the Men’s 1km run which is sponsored by Sean Stapleton Car Sales gets under way at 8pm.

Denis Ryan – Women’s 1km sponsor presenting sponsorship to Track-Attack’s John F Kennedy

Registration will begin at 6:30pm in the New Sports Complex in the Borris-Ileigh GAA grounds. The entry fees are €5 for adults and €2 for anyone Under 18. Once we finish proceedings on the track, we will then retire to the Sports Complex for the presentation of prizes and refreshments will be served.


There will be prizes for the first 3 finishers in each of the four runs while there will be spot prize draw for the participants of the walk. The refreshments are being kindly organised by the Parents Association of Scoil Naomh Cualán.

Sean Stapleton – Men’s 1km sponsor presenting sponsorship to Track-Attack’s Christy Slattery

Baiba’s 32km Run


Baiba Vilande


Baiba Vilande will start her 32km Cashel to Cualán’s Run on Friday morning at 10am. Starting at the Rock of Cashel, Baiba will make her way back to Scoil Naomh Cualán in Borrisoleigh where she will be expected back around 1pm.


Baiba is raising funds for the primary school which is a fantastic gesture from her. If you wish to support her endeavours, you can donate by clicking onto her idonate page: http://www.idonate.ie/event/BaibasRunforSNC


Ayla & Megan Lead the Way

Block 2 of the Destination Latteragh Series which is sponsored by John Cummins Engineering is shaping up brilliantly after hitting the half way spot of the scoring part of the series.


Superb performances from Borrisoleigh’s Ayla Maher and Upperchurch’s Megan O’Brien in round 6 have seen them take the overall lead in the Pink and Black groups respectively. We have a three way tie at the top of the Purple group with young-guns Jack Maher, Niamh Keane and Cillian Shanahan all in superb form throughout the six weeks to date.


The father and son combination of Johnny and Jack Ryan are the joint leaders of the White group while Mayo native Stephen Morrin is ensuring that the west is awake after taking a commanding lead in the Orange group.


Kilcommon’s Carr siblings have been in outstanding form in the Yellow group with Aidan occupying the leader’s position while his sisters Anna and Aisling are tied for third spot. Separating the siblings is the talented Ally Cummins in second spot.


Not to be outdone by his young-guns, Ollie Carr is also in flying form in the Red group where he holds the lead jointly with Peter Maher. Killea’s Shane Donnelly holds a two point advantage over Templederry’s Jacqueline Minogue in the Blue group while in the Green group, Donal Ryan is the pace setter at the half way spot.



Borrisoleigh Active Social Club


The next meeting of Borrisoleigh Active Social Club takes place on Wed March 5th at 7pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh.  All members welcome. 

 Deposits of €50 will be taken on the night for our Autumn trip to The Knightsbrook Hotel Trim Co. Meath.
This Friday Feb 28th we will have a member of Tipperary Co. Council give a talk on entitlements and making applications to the council.  The talk is open to all members from 1pm to 3pm.  
Our Annual 45 Drive takes place on Sat April 5th at 8pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh.  €1000 prize fund and tickets €10 will be available from members of the club.  All support would be appreciated.  

Marian Hall

The Marian Hall can be contacted on 089 4590824 for all enquiries & bookings 
We will be launching a website showing our calendar & availability in the coming months.

Parish News

Anniversary Masses for 1st and 2nd of March.
Saturday 1st : James and Mary Kennedy Rathmoy and their daughter Peggy.
Philip and Imelda Kenny, Pallas Street.
William Treacy Fantane and his parents Martin and Nora and James and Patrick Shanahan Grangelough.
Noreen O Donnell, The Orchard.
Saturday 8th : Mary Farrell, Garrangrena.
Marian O’Mahony 1st Anniversary.

‘Sing for Joy!’ – A Day of Music & Ministry

Are you involved, or keen to become involved in Church Music in your Parish, School, University etc.? We invite you to join us for ‘Sing for Joy!’ – A Day for Music and Ministry. Sat 26th Apr 2025 at Lough Derg, Pettigo, Co. Donegal. Boat departs at 9.30am. In the prayerful setting Lough Derg, this day will provide space for the power of music to nourish our spirit and allow us to give praise to God through the beauty of sound, song and silence. There will be various inputs as well as time to pray, connect with others and explore this Sacred place. The day will conclude with the Celebration of Eucharist at 5pm (open to the public). This day is open to young people aged 18-35 and is free to attend (supported by the Knights of St. Columbanus). Registration is essential via https://bit.ly/SingforJoy. For further info  please contact info@knightsofstcolumbanusomagh.co.uk/+447759496677.


A Cultural Tour/Pilgrimage to Portugal

From the vineyards of Porto to the sun-kissed shores of the Algarve. – With Group Leader, Michéal De Barra and Spiritual Director, Fr. John Newman. Highlights of this tour, from June 8th – 20th, 2025, include visits to Port, Braga, 3 days in Fatima, Coimbra, Lisbon and the Algarve. Fr. John will celebrate Mass for the group at various shrines and venues along the way. For more info and booking form, Contact Michéal at 086 8337681 or email michaeldebarra3@gmail.com.


Marriage Encounter Ireland

The Catholic Marriage Enrichment Programme has been transforming marriages in Ireland for over 50 years, and it is active in 94 countries worldwide. This programme offers a weekend experience that helps couples enhance their communication and deepen their love for each other. The weekend experience provides a broader and deeper understanding of the sacrament of marriage. Sacramentally married couples are invited to participate. Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching, we understand marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman. While faith is an important aspect of the experience, the focus of the weekend is on the realities and challenges of married life. Restore, Renew, Rekindle. We welcome you to our next Marriage. Enrichment Weekend Friday 28th– 30th March 2025. Venue: Knock, Co. Mayo www.marriageencounter.ie


Scór na bPáistí


Knitting and Crochet Group

The Knitting and Crochet Group meets on Wednesday from 10am to 11.30am in the Community Centre. New members welcome. For queries please contact Mary at 0863098982

Borrisoleigh Historical Society

Further details contact: Michael 0862262022 John 0862752634 Jamie :0858566070

Eucharistic Adoration

Adult Set Dancing Classes

Meals on Wheels Kitchen Assistants Required


Borris-Ileigh GAA History Book

A book is currently being compiled about the history of GAA and Scór in Borrisoleigh. We are looking for names and photos if possible of :

Set Dancers: 1978, 1979, 1980, 2001 and 2008 sets ( they all won the North Final).

Ballad Groups: 1984 and 1985 North Final Winners.

Novelty Act: 2018 (County Final Winners).

You can contact this page directly or contact Carol Kinnane 086 371 2952 


Hi all,

I’ve been tasked with compiling and writing a history of GAA activity in the primary schools, e.g. North Finals/ County Finals, Primary Game, INTO mini sevens etc.

The more recent history is fairly well documented, however older records are sparse. I don’t want to leave anyone out!

If you are aware of any noteworthy GAA related facts from 1987 to present in relation to Fantane NS, St Theresa’s GNS, St Patrick BNS or Scoil Naomh Cualán please get in contact with me at scoilnaomhcualan@gmail.com. Or you can drop photos, newspaper cuttings etc. into the school and I’ll photocopy or scan what’s needed.  

I’m looking for photos of teams, photos of Primary Game representatives, write ups from finals, coaches that were involved over the years, pupils who went on to represent Tipperary in the various codes, GAA quiz winners etc.

Many thanks for your help,

Michael Small

Church  Notices



No Other Land


HeART of Gaza

HeART of Gaza, Children’s art exhibition  which is currently on tour in Europe and Ireland is coming to Nenagh Arts Centre  on 21st of February To 1st of  March. 
Free admission. 
Donations welcome to https://gofund.me/53e95f8d.
For more information check out https://www.nenagharts.com/event/heart-of-gaza-childrens-art-from-the-genocide/


Help wanted

A regular reader has sent in this photo and requests some help. Can anyone identify the people in this photo? If so please email info@borrisoleigh.ie and we will pass on the names.



Pic of the Past

Photos sent in by Seán Ryan (brother of the late Oliver Ryan).  “These photos were taken in Chadwick’s shop in the late 50s and I guess we were watching some tv transmission.

The following are some of the people in the photos.

Chadwick girl, Austin Kearney, Seán Ryan, Lizzy White, Tommy Dwyer, Oliver Kent, Donal Driscoll, Noel Driscoll, Liam Carrol, Patricia Kinane, Lar Smith.

Billy Stapleton, Derry Bourke, Joe Boyle, Nellie Maher, Stephen Ryan, Jocey Ryan her daughter Mary, Caitlín Harty, Mary Driscoll.”



Your Website Needs You

Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.

Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.

Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie

This website is supported by 
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.

While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook