24 March 2021

Website Update

Over the next few weeks we will be updating the information sections of the website. If you are involved in any of the clubs, groups, schools or businesses and would like to amend or change your information or contact details please email the updated information to info@borrisoleigh.ie

Appeal for News

This is an appeal to those of you who are involved in various activities (limited as they might be in the current circumstances), not to forget to send us an email with a few lines and maybe a photo or two publicising what you are doing. The regular users of this site (particularly those not on social media) would like to see them and it will help paint a fuller picture of what is taking place in and around Borrisoleigh. We rely on you, the local community, to send us your news.


Borrisoleigh Website Committee

Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes

Cairde Camógaíochta 
Our Croker to Borrisoleigh Virtual Challenge kickstarted on Monday and we aim to puck the sliotar the equivalent of 164km in distance. 
On Tuesday, we virtually arrived at the St.Peter’s Dunboyne Club in Co Meath where they joined us and participated in the Challenge. On Thursday, we will be stopping off at the Naas club in Co Kildare while on Sunday next we will be hosted by the Camross club in Co Laois. This is all part of our Cairde Camógaíochta initiative which we hope will lead to some great friendships into the future. 
As we stop off at each of the clubs, we will raffling off two Cairde Camógaíochta Bourke top, one for a Borris participant and one for a participant from the host club. 
A huge thanks to our sponsors namely Kevin Delargy Medical Centre, Albany Home Décor Nenagh, Latteragh Crafts (Christy Slattery), Cross Fabrication (Paudie Meehan), Borrisoleigh Veterinary Clinic, Ryan’s Catering Equipment (Mossy Ryan), Stapleton’s Bakery Borrisoleigh and Premier Horse Transport (Stephen Treacy) for sponsoring these tops. 
Check out our progress over the next few days on our Facebook page. 
Prizes winners from February Sharpshooter Challenge 

Aoife Ryan

Niamh & JP Ryan

Aoife Ryan


Track-Attack Club Notes

The Longest Walk Series:

Stephanie and Jack McLoughney

We are now approaching the two thirds mark of The Longest Walk Virtual Series which is sponsored by Declan Maher Financial Services. 12,600km of the virtual journey have been completed which have seen us exit the continent of Africa and head into the Middle East.

Mary Stapleton

Starting off in Cape Town in South Africa, we have since virtually passed through Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. This week should see both Team Capetowners and Team Magadaners go through Jordan, Syria and Turkey.

Cathy Keane

The race to win the magnificent trophy which has been sponsored by Latteragh Crafts (this can be seen on our Facebook page) is heating up and after 7 weeks of action, it’s The Magadaners that hold a slender lead.

Jack and Rita Ryan

The Track-Attackers:

As part of the Series, we’ve set the teams some creative tasks to complete and it must be said that both teams have come up trumps. The latest challenge was to create The Track-Attackers in cartoon format that includes five different characters. Again the fruits of the teams labour can be seen our Facebook page.

The bragging rights went to Team Capetowners as their creation that includes the characters Touram, Rás, Abel, Clubber and Konasatatu are now ready for the next part of the challenge. Both teams will now construct a 2000 word short story about The Track-Attackers.

Parish News

Holy Week Ceremonies 2021

Palm Sunday:                                                                          @11am

Holy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mass:          @ 10am

Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper                  @ 7pm

Good Friday: Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion                  @ 3pm

Stations of the Cross                                                              @ 7pm

 Holy Saturday:  Easter Vigil                                              @ 7pm

Easter Sunday:  Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection      @ 11am


Trócaire boxes/envelopes may be dropped into the Offertory Box in the Church, The Parish Centre or the letter Box at the Parochial House.

Please give generously to this worthy cause.

Clergy Collection

The Easter Clergy collection will be taken up at this time.  Please drop in your envelope to the Parochial House, Parish Centre or in the Offertory Box in the Church.

May I wish you and your families a Happy Easter, and many thanks for your support and understanding at this time.

Chemo Sisters

On March 4th this year the Irish Independent carried the following  headline on page 26 ‘Cancer won’t wait until the end of  lockdown’: Nolans urge people to get checked.’  Linda and Ann Nolan of the famous singing and acting Nolan family are Ambassadors for the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day which takes place on Friday March 26th.  Both sisters are undergoing cancer treatment.  They started Chemotherapy at the same time last June.  They now call themselves the Chemo Sisters.

Friday March 26th is Daffodil Day.  The article stated that last years donations were down by 2.3 million. It is a significant loss.  These days, because of the non-stop communications methods we are bombarded by charities of all kinds seeking donations.  People are possibly becoming fatigued by it all and are drifting.

The Irish Cancer Society provides invaluable support to Cancer sufferers.  Of the many services provided by it, the Volunteer Driver Service is one which is invaluable.  A cancer patient’s day starts early.  A typical treatment day for me would start with the volunteer driver picking me up at 7:30am and having me in Limerick for 8:15am. Drivers are not allowed pick up anyone before 7:30 and in my case some have had an hour of a drive to get to me before taking me to UHL.

On arrival, I give in my name and then it is time to move onto the anti sickness medication for approximately an hour and also a check on the bloods.  If all is well the next step is the Chemotherapy drug. A volunteer driver’s day can be a long one. Even with an early start some patients can be there all day. A patient accesses the service via Hospital referral. 

Another service provided is Advocacy.  Here in North Tipperary cancer patients can go to Nenagh the day before treatment and have their blood taken.  The analysis is sent to UHL.  The treatment team know the patient’s situation before their arrival.  This means that if the results are good treatment can proceed.  Patients who live in areas of the country where there is no access to such a service can have a very long wait for blood results to come back.  Cancer patients need a voice to highlight issues that affect them.  The ICS provides that voice.  It needs the support of the public so that it can speak loud and clear for all cancer sufferers.  It is unfair that cancer patients can be chased by debt collectors for unpaid medical bills.  Patients spend a great deal of time so ill and barely able to walk – it is inhuman of the HSE to go after people in these circumstances. 

I am highlighting these two services provided by the Society not because they are more important than others but sometimes when people can see what their donation is providing it gives encouragement to keep donating.  One euro per person all over Ireland would be a good start.  There used to be a phrase “give a little it will help a lot”.

With this article I am attaching two photographs’. One is of the treatment room and the other is of the IV pumps used to administer the Chemotherapy.

A word of thanks also from a grateful cancer patient to all the wonderful people who stand at the tables in villages, towns and shopping centres every year to sell the Daffodils.

Written by Josephine Ryan, Currabaha

Pruning of the Willow Garden

It’s that time of year again!

Pruning of the Willow  garden is underway. Bundles of willow available FREE to take away if anyone would be interested. Great ideas and tutorials for garden projects available on you tube. 

Borrisoleigh Historical Society


On 17th May 1851, Ellen Larkin gives birth to, what the local papers described as, “an illegitimate child”, at a lodging house in Borrisoleigh. By the following day the child died, was placed in a soap box and interred In Glenkeen. The local constabulary, hearing of the birth, death and burial, ordered the body to be exhumed. An inquest determined the cause of death to be caused by suffocation. At a swiftly convened sitting of the local petty sessions, Ellen Larkin was remanded to Nenagh jail to appear before the next assizes on a charge of infanticide. Her mother, Mary, was similarly remanded on a charge of aiding and abetting in the crime.

At the summer assizes of north Tipperary, held on the 31st of July 1851, Ellen Larkin and her mother were scheduled to stand trial on the most serious of charges. In his preliminary address to the grand jury, Judge Moore referred in some detail to the case of these two unfortunate women. Showing a degree of compassion and understanding not normally associated with the judiciary of that time, he minutely tore to shreds the case against the two Larkins. “How could the mother be accused in the concealment of the birth, when she actually had sought the assistance of the local midwife in the delivery”, asked the judge. Addressing the charges against Ellen Larkin, the judge proposed that for a child to die from suffocation in the immediate aftermath of birth, was not an unheard-of occurrence. On the conclusion of the judge’s address, the grand jury immediately discharged the women from custody.

Sadly, for Mary Larkin, her release came too late. Mr Carmichael, clerk of the Crown, informed the assizes that she had died during the course of her ten- week incarceration in the county jail.

Ellen Larkin died on 25th of January 1900 in the Thurles workhouse. She was aged 80.


Centenary of the Death of Martin Bourke

On Sunday last, some members of Borrisoleigh Historical Society, along with some locals, met at the bridge of Garrangrena, to mark the centenary of the death of Martin Bourke. The tricolor flew over the plaque and flowers were laid at the spot where the tragic event of 100 years ago happened. A small information board placed on the bridge parapet, tells the story of the circumstances of the young man’s killing.

Pic of the Past

Tom Barry, Glenbreeda

Your Website Needs You

Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.

Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.

Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie

This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.

While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook.