9 October 2019
Parish News
Anniversary Masses next weekend: We pray for all whose anniversaries occur, and for whom the following Masses will be offered.
• Saturday 12th October 8pm Mass: Tony Rabbitte, Cappanilly.Michael Saddlier, Fantane. Patrick, Kathleen & Patrick Ryan Jnr. Grangelough. Borrisoleigh
• Sunday 13th October 9.30 Month’s Mind Mass: Billy Cummins Knockakelly.
• Mass Time Change: From Saturday October 19th until further notice evening Mass for Sunday will be celebrated at 7pm. Please note change of time. Sunday Masses will be at the usual times.
• Safeguarding Brief 13th October Human Trafficking:
The Archdiocese supports and seeks to educate people with the modern day problem of Human Trafficking. The Santa Marta Group is an alliance of international Police Chiefs and Catholic Bishops from around the world working together with civil society in a process endorsed by Pope Francis, to eradicate human trafficking and modern day slavery. The Pope describes trafficking as “an open wound on the body of contemporary society”. To read more visit www.santamartagroup.com
Well done and heartiest congratulations to our Minor Team who beat Arravale Rovers from Tipperary Town in the County Final last Saturday. They played very well in what were very difficult conditions in Boherlahan. Their win gives a boost and a lift to all. Well done again to all concerned.
Tippwoi Tours

AXA Community Bike Ride
We had two cycles last Sunday morning a 30km challenge and 20km easy going. Both cycles were in glorious sunshine which is very welcome in October. Next week the easy going cycle is visiting Loughmore village tea rooms. Thanks again to all cyclists and P.J. and Shauna for their help. To register on Cycling Ireland click here
Coffee Evening
Community Mothers Programme
Bridge resumed Thursday night 19th September at 7.30pm in Borrisoleigh Community Centre.
If anyone is interested in taking Bridge Lessons with a view to joining the Borrisoleigh Bridge Club.
Contact 086 1658298 or 0504 22620.
Bridge lessons will commence on Thursday 26th September in Thurles.
Track-Attack Notes
Track-Attack Snakes & Ladders Series
49 teams will go to battle over the next 10 weeks to see who will be crowned the Track-Attack Snakes & Ladders Series champions. The Series is again sponsored by our club sponsor Declan Maher Financial Services.
Each team has 5 members which range in age from as young as 5 up to some of our most senior members who are in their 70’s. Team members will be informed each Monday night as to what they have to do to gain points for their team. When the points are accumulated each week, the twist then kicks in. If a team lands on a number ending in a 3 or 7 (eg 33 or 57), the team loses 5 points (snake) and if a team lands on a number ending in a 4 or 8 (eg 44 or 68), the team gains 7 points.
On the final night, the team with the most accumulated points will be deemed champions and each team member will receive a new Bourke Track-Attack zippy top. On each of the 10 weeks, a performer of the week will be named and the 10 winners will be entered into a draw on the final night where the winner will again receive a Bourke top. The first entrant into the hat is Conor Brett who produced a terrific performance over the mile in week 1. Weather conditions weren’t great but Conor was relentless in his efforts and clocked a very impressive 6 minutes and 53 seconds.
You can check out all the teams and general club information on our Facebook page which is under Borrisoleigh Track Attack.
Superb Performance from Peter in Berlin
A superb performance from new Track-Attack member Peter Madden at the Berlin Marathon on Sunday 29th September deserve tremendous acclaim. In the German city, he produced a personal best time of 2:47:15 for the classic distance.
Track-Attackers in Limerick
A huge congrats to all our Track-Attackers who completed the Women’s Mini-Marathon in Limerick on Sunday 29th September.
Thursday Nights with John F
For any Track-Attacker that would like to improve on their overall standard of performance, we would strongly recommend attending John F’s weekly sessions on Thursday nights at the track at 8pm.
The session consists of plenty of before and after stretching which are demonstrated and explained to perfection. You are then encouraged to run at your own pace for a time of 20 or 25 minutes with an emphasis on time completion over speed.
The session is open to all adult members of Track-Attack and there is no charge for it.
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
The October meeting of Borrisoleigh Active Social Club took place last Wed night. Lots of ideas were discussed. Firstly we are having a First Aid class for our members next Wed Oct 16 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh.
Courses Available
Pic of the Past
Kay Ryan (nee Kenny), Ileigh with singer/composer Liam Lawton
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