8 September 2021
Appeal for News
This is an appeal to those of you who are involved in various activities (which have increased a lot recently), not to forget to send us an email with a few lines and maybe a photo or two publicising what you are doing. The regular users of this site (particularly those not on social media) would like to see them and it will help paint a fuller picture of what is taking place in and around Borrisoleigh. We rely on you, the local community, to send us your news.
Borrisoleigh Website Committee
National Masters Athletics

Borrisoleigh native Michael Kiely won a National Masters title at the competition in Santry Stadium last Sunday.
Parish News
Anniversary Masses: 7pm Mass Saturday 11th September Cora Murray, Rathmoy, Borrisoleigh.
Also pray for the repose of the souls of Kitty Ryan, Padre Pio Nursing home and formerly Glenkeen,
Sr.Angela Kinane, Presentation Convent, Thurles and formerly Gurtnahalla, Upperchurch,
Sean Stapleton, Moyglass and formerly Kilfithmone and Michael Tierney Glenbreeda, Borrisoleigh who were interred recently.
First Communion Mass will be celebrated next Saturday 11th September at 11am.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Friday and Saturday 17th and 18th September.
Statement from Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly
SEEDS OF HOPE 2021-2026
In our lifetime as parishioners within the Archdiocese of Cashel, Sunday next, September 12th, is a seminal day as our Archdiocese outlines its Diocesan Plan “SEEDS OF HOPE” 2021-2026.
No business, sporting or community organisation of any sport fulfils its potential without careful planning. We are no different. But plans take on a whole new sense of importance and meaning when organisations need to ‘go again’. We are at that time; not just because the Church has come through some tumultuous decades that it must learn from but because we must also, in moving forward, bring with us all that is good and make it even better as we do God’s amazing work.
We need to turn to the future and plan for the future and that’s exactly what our pastoral plan ‘Seeds of Hope’ is about. We have always hope but we must plant seeds if we are to reap a harvest down the line.
Like any good plan, it has involved listening. We began our process all of four years ago as we engaged with people of all demographics across the archdiocese to hear exactly what it is that we need at parish and diocesan level so that we can serve the pastoral and spiritual needs of all in the years ahead.
Like any journey, there are bumps along the way and, just with the listening phase coming to an end, COVID-19 became ours last year. It was an interruption rather than a derailment and now, having completed the listening process, we are on the cusp of unveiling ‘our’ plan – for it is, indeed, a plan for all of us, by all of us.
The launch of this plan will be in a sacred space for our diocese, Holycross Abbey, on Sunday 12th September at 3.00pm. Because of the pandemic, numbers that can attend are limited but each parish will be represented. For those unable to attend, the unveiling of the plan, with a special Mass celebrated by Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly, will take place at 3.00pm.
It will be a day of truth, a day of reconciliation, a day of renewal and, above all, a day of hope.
We ask that you join us on this special day as this very special celebration is live streamed from the Abbey.
In the meantime, we ask that this weekend and over the coming days and months that you pray that, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our Seeds of Hope will, indeed, bear fruit, a new beginning for us all here in our parish and across the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly.
HOLYCROSS Annual Solemn Novena 2021
We are happy to announce that Novena 2021 will go ahead from Sept 8th to 16th inclusive. Unfortunately, because of the proximity & prevalence of the virus, we are once again forced to hold this year’s Solemn Novena behind closed doors for the protection of all. There will be no congregation permitted at all in the Abbey.
The Novena will be available online on www.churchservices.tv/holycrossabbey.
We will broadcast online at 10.30am and 7.30pm daily and on Tipperary Mid West Radio at 7.30pm daily (except 2pm on Saturday 11th). Petitions for the Annual Novena and our weekly Friday Novena can now be submitted online (anonymously) on our website holycrossballycahill.com under Novena and Novena Petitions. These petitions will be prayed for at the Novena.
The Session for the Sick will be broadcast online and on Tipperary Mid West Radio at 2pm on Saturday 11th September.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to facilitate any Anointing of the Sick. There will be no
Blessing of Infants or Penitential Service this year.
If you wish to receive a copy of the Novena prayers to join in at home, visit holycrossballycahill.com/novena, email hbparishoffice@gmail.com or call 0504-43124 and we will be happy to forward them to you.
Mass Cards and Shop items can be posted or collected on request. Please call 0504-43124 or email holycrossabbeyshop@gmail.com.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times and we pray that Our Lady will watch over us all.
Thought for the week: Every time a worry or thought comes to your mind, pray instead.
Vhi Women’s Virtual Mini Marathon
Borris-Ileigh GAA Club Newsletter
Pic of the Past

Ricky Bourke, Glenbreeda and Tom Ryan, Knockinrodger and
Mountkinane (Child in background – Geraldine Kenny)
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook