Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
The AGM of the Borrisoleigh Active Social Club was held last Wednesday night and the following are the officers for the coming year. Chairperson Lucia Ryan, Secretary Dolly Bryans, Treasurer Eileen Slattery. There was a good crowd in attendance and lots up for discussion.

We launched our fundraising event to purchase outdoor exercise equipment. We will be holding a Progressive 45 Drive in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh on Sat April 15th at 8pm. Tickets are €10 and are available from members of the club. We would be delighted for all support.
A group of 20 headed off to Gorey last weekend for a great weekend of entertainment in the Ashdown Park Hotel. Acts included Louise Morrissey, Dominic Kirwan, David James, Simon Casey and The Celtic Brothers.
Some photos of the trip.
A number of day trips are being organised so hopefully it will be another successful year.
Parish News

Saturday 11th March at 7pm. Anniversary Masses for Mary Farrell. Garrangrena. Tom Ryan (Cooper) Springfield. Thomas and Annie Russell.
Eucharistic Adoration
The Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly is developing its Diocesan Adoration Lay Committee in order to increase the practice of Eucharistic Adoration in all parishes. You are welcome to attend an Information Meeting in The Parish Hall, St. Michael St. Tipperary on Saturday 18th March at 11am (finishing at 12.30). Light refreshments served. See poster in the Church for further details of how to attend, or contact the Parish Office promptly.
Change in Mass times
As you are aware we are reducing the number of Masses in the parish from three to two and there will be also a change in Mass times. From 25th/26th February the new Mass times are as follows: –
Saturday 7pm in Borrisoleigh
Sunday 11am in Illeigh.
The Priests of our group of parishes will rotate on the third weekend of every month beginning in March.. So for example on March 18th/19th Fr. Hennessy will celebrate the weekend Masses in Drom/Inch parish and Fr. Hayes P.P. Templemore will celebrate the weekend Masses here in this parish.
Cost of living crisis
Are you experiencing difficulty in paying your energy, food or other everyday bills due to the current cost of living crisis.
St Brigid’s Conference SVP, Borrisoleigh can help you.
Requests for assistance can be made by phoning 086 895 1926 or by dropping a note into the SVP Postbox in the Community Centre, Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh.
Requests for assistance towards energy bills should be submitted by Wednesday, 22nd. March, 2023.
We will respond to requests soon as possible.
We would like to assure everyone that requests for assistance are dealt with in the strictest confidence and with compassion and empathy.
Best of luck to all representing Borris-Ileigh Scór na bPaistí in the county final this Sunday, March 12th. It takes place in Halla na Féile, Cashel at 2pm on Sunday. Entry is €10 for adults, €5 for students and all u16s are free. Please be aware that it is cash only on the door!!
Representing Borris-Ileigh on Sunday are:
Set Dancing: Katelyn Ryan, Ava Small, Ceara Tynan, Grace Tynan, Sophie O Sullivan, Eva O Dwyer, Grace Small and Kate Ryan Begley
Solo Song: Séan Cosgrave
Novelty Act: Ella Groome, Joanne Groome, Jim Young, Emily Treacy, Grace Tynan, Caimin Kennedy, Ceara Tynan and Grace Groome
Figure Dancing: Maria Groome, Caoimhe Keane, Michelle Meehan, Emily Treacy, Moira Meehan, Erin Hogan, Niamh Ryan and Sinéad Cowan
Best of luck to all of you!
Community Bike Ride
A great morning cycle on Sunday to Loughmore Community tearooms where we enjoyed tea and scones before returning home via Barnane in the shadows of the Devil’s Bit mountain.
New Arrival
Dear Borrisoleigh residents,
One month ago my family and I moved to this beautiful village in search of peace and quiet after the hustle and bustle of Budapest.
The kindness and thoughtfulness of the people here is very welcome.

I am a cleaner, I put out my leaflets at the doctor’s, pharmacy and the Gala, please contact me, I am ready to help!
We are happy to live here and sincerely hope to stay for a very long time!
Best Regards
Knitting and Crochet Group
Knitting and Crochet Group continues to meet every Wednesday at 10am. New members with other skills or none always welcome.
For information call Mary on 0863098982.
Pic of the Past

McDonagh Park, Nenagh
T.F. , Michael and Matt Stapleton,
Pallas Cross
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to:
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
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