6 December 2017
Christmas Lights in Borrisoleigh

Borrisoleigh Festival Committee would like to thank everyone who helped on Saturday & Sunday with the Christmas tree & turning on of the lights and the whole Christmas event. We would like to thank the U12 camogie & hurling teams & Tadgh who helped turn on the lights.

Borrisoleigh Annual
Borrsioleigh Community and Development Association is delighted to be able to announce that our Annual will once again be launched and available to buy at the turning on of the Christmas lights in the square on the 3rd December from 6.30 pm onwards.
We would also like to sincerely thank all the individuals and groups who submitted articles and/or photos for this years annual, the local shops for selling the annuals and those who purchase it every year. We hope you all enjoy this year’s publication.
Marian Hall Bingo
During the month of December, there will be four hampers and lots of spot prizes each night, along with the usual bingo prize money. All are welcome Tuesday nights at 8.30pm.
Borris-Ileigh GAA Club
We are delighted to announce that we recently secured a grant of €66,500 from the Sports Capital Programme to help with the ongoing development of our Sports Complex. With these additional funds we will be able to take a significant step towards getting the building weathertight along with some additional interior work such as plastering the walls etc. We would like to thank all those who put in a significant amount of time and effort into our successful grant application, the quality of was commended on by the Programme so a huge well done to all involved.
We would also like to thank all those who gave a helping hand with the development of our new hurling wall in the both the groundwork and the erecting on the structure itself, in particular Trevor Groome who put in an untold amount of effort into the installation. This wall will prove to be a great asset to the adult, juvenile and camogie clubs in the years ahead.
We would also like to thank all those who attended our recent AGM after what was a fantastic year for our club.
We also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped out or were involved in the running of our club for the 2017 season. From Club Officers to coaches, maintenance to sponsors or anyone who volunteered in any way we are entirely grateful for all of your efforts. The 2017 season would not have been what it was without your tireless efforts and commitment. Hopefully 2018 will bring us another season to remember
Club Membership
Membership for the coming year is €30. Membership for all adult players is €50 while Student players is €30. This can be given to our club Registrar John Bradshaw.
The County Final of Scór Na nÓg was held in Cashel on Sunday the 3rd December. A big congrats to the Léiriú – Kayleen O’Dwyer, Melissa Ryan, Katie Fitzgerald, Emma Doolin, Adam Carr & Colm Boyle who qualified for the Munster Final. All roads will lead to Ovens in Co. Cork where the Munster Final will take place on January 7th 2018.
Congrats also to our Set Dancers who gave an excellent performance but were not victorious on the day.
St. Cualán’s Social Club
Our Annual Christmas Party was held last Sunday in the Community Centre. An enjoyable day was had by everyone. The day started with Mass celebrated by Fr. Hennessy and our parish choir singing beautiful hymns/carols. When mass was concluded Christmas dinner was dished up by Brian Farrell, Nuala and Joan. With the tummys full we had a surprise visit from Santa. He came in singing and dancing and gave everyone a pressie and even had a kiss or two for some of the guests.
With everybody in good spirits Phil Maher and his band got the music and dancing under way. There was a great variety of entertainment on the day. We had Irish Dancers in costume which were beautiful, singers and a host of local talent which included music from the instruments of the accordian, guitar and harmonica. It was very much appreciated that all our performers gave their time to entertain us at the party. We saw people doing some of the craziest things to win a spot prize which included men running with womens handbags and even women swapping shoes. When the music, fun and games finished people went out to the square to see the lights of the Christmas tree being lit which was a lovely way to finish up the day.
Pope John Paul II Award
Aoife being presented with her award by Bishop O’Reilly.

Borrisoleigh Track-Attack Notes

Borrisoleigh Historical Society
Wednesday 29th of November got our winter / spring season of lectures off to a start. President of Ormond Historical Society, John Flannery, presented to us on the life of the man, often referred to as the ‘’Apostle of Nigeria’’, Bishop Joseph Shanahan. A large crowd turned out to hear about the amazing life of the man, born in Glenkeen and raised in Templederry.
Our photos show a section of the large crowd that turned up to our lecture and Ml Delaney, chairman of our Society, John Flannery and Joe and Donal Shanahan, grandnephews of Bishop Shanahan.
St Joseph’s College
St Josephs College Borrisoleigh 6-5 An Rinn, Dungarvan 3-4
The girls from Borrisoleigh recorded a great win in the first round of the North Munster Sr Patricia Cup played in the very scenic Goatenbridge. The first half was one way traffic where Aoife Ryan, Ciara Maher, Hazel Reynolds, Miriam Murphy and Caoimhe Carey completely dominated the play. The girls played with great confidence after Aoife Rayn had banged in two goals and the calmness of Caoimhe Carey with free taking made the first half feel like it was game over for An Rinn.
However, the second half was not as easy as they had anticipated but Anna Grace, Louise McGrath Dunne and Anna Stapleton stood firm and battled to the end making sure of progress to the next round where they will play the winners of Desmond College Newcastlewest and Gaelcolaiste Luimnigh.
Team ;Laura Young, Mairead Maher, Louise McGrath Dunne, Anna Stapleton, Hazel mReynolds, Miriam Murphy, Anna Grace, Emma Galvin, Ciara Maher, Danielle Ryan, Caoimhe Carey, Aoife Ryan, Aoife Dwyer, Katie Fitzgerald, Emma Doolan, Hope Bergin, Jane Delaney.
1 Recipe4success
Transition Year classes Borrisoleigh recently paid a visit to Limerick to RECIPE4SUCCESS. They watched a number of cookery demonstrations and then prepared these dishes themselves. The students also completed some team building challenges and a sensory analysis food test. The best part of the day was when they got to eat all their culinary creations! It was a very enjoyable day.
2 Cork Pops Orchestra
TY class Borrisoleigh attended a presentation and concert by Cork City Pops Orchestra who along with DJ Dashka and Keith Hanley(winner of Voice of Ireland 2013) performed an entertaining selection of music
3 Crawford Gallery
TY students Borrisoleigh savoured culinary delights such as fermented fruit and dried silage as part of a recent tour of the Crawford Gallery. The temporary exhibition entitled ‘The Food the Bad and the Ugly’ was by food art group The Domestic Godless. It was an interesting experience!
Parent, Toddler and Baby Group
Parent, Toddler and Baby Group are back every Wednesday Morning from 9.30am to 11am in the Community Centre, Borrisoleigh.
Further information Please ring Bridget at 087 2780029
St. Stephen’s Day 5km Run and Walk
Borrisoleigh Community Centre
Borrisoleigh Community Centre is asking for donations of High-chairs that are in good condition.
St. Brigid’s Conference, St.Vincent de Paul, Borrisoleigh
St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank all who contributed so generously to our Church gate collection and those who donated in other ways to our annual appeal.
All contributions received are used within the local community.
Contact details: St. Brigid’s Conference, St. Vincent de Paul, c/o The Community Centre, Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh. (Tel. 0868951926)
Scoil Naomh Cualán
Preparations are in full swing for our Christmas Concerts as we all eagerly anticipate two marvellous nights of fun and entertainment courtesy of our talented children. Due to the high demand for tickets we have been obliged to change our arrangements for the concerts. All classes will now perform on each of the two nights which means that patrons will enjoy the full line up of ‘Snowman at Sunset by Junior and Senior Infants, ‘Baboushka’ by First and Second Classes and ‘Aladdin’ by Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes on each of the two nights, Wednesday and Thursday, December 13th and 14th.
Tickets are currently available to families through the school but will be available to the general public from Monday, December 11th onwards on a first come, first served basis. We hope to have a limited number of tickets available at the door on Wednesday and Thursday nights but, as demand is very high, we advise patrons to contact the school from Monday onwards should you wish to be sure of a place. We are very grateful for the support of so many and guarantee two great nights in the Marian Hall on December 13th and 14th.
Nollaig Shona do chách.
ETB Courses
The Wind in the Willows
Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane
Back: Margaret Ryan, Joanie Stapleton, Ann Dwyer, Denis Dwyer, John Small, Pakie Small, Con Shanahan and Jerry Dwyer
Third row: Billy Devaney, Jimmy Shanahan, Mick Quinn, Jim Quinn and Mickie Jack
Second row: Ned Corbett, Paddy Quinn, John Barry, Paddy Corbett, Mick Barry and Martin Small
Front: Mick Corbett