4 May 2022
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club next monthly meeting takes place in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh on Wed May 4th at 7pm.
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes
Parish News
Anniversaries: Sunday 08/05/2022 @ 9.30 Mass Dan and Mary Ryan (Rody) Lower Main Street, Borrisoleigh and Amanda Stapleton.
Eurcharistic Adoration: Commences every Wednesday morning beginning after 10am mass and continuing until 1pm. I would encourage you to come and spend time with Jesus.
Reader’s Rotas: are available in the sacristy.
Altar Servers: Boys and girls in 5th and 6th and 1st years who were serving Mass pre-Covid 19 are very welcome to come back and serve Mass.
Collections: This week’s collection amounted to €775.
Mgr. Joseph McGuinness, Executive Secretary of the Irish Episcopal Conference.:
“Sincere thanks to all who contributed so generously to the recent Special Collection for Ukraine. Nationally, this collection has raised to date over €3.25 million. The war in Ukraine, and the terrible suffering which has resulted, has seen a tremendous outpouring of compassion and generosity from our parish communities. Your contributions will bring much-needed relief to those in the region whose lives and livelihoods have been devastated. The funds raised will be used by the international Catholic Church agency, Caritas Internationalis, which is currently operating on the ground in Ukraine and its surrounding areas. We continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our thoughts, praying for peace and an end to this appalling humanitarian crisis.”
The Third Age charity’s ‘Failte Isteach’ service is now available in most counties across the State in order to facilitate, in an informal setting, improved English language skills for refugees. This service is free and run by local volunteers. In order to locate the nearest English language class in your location, please see https://www.thirdageireland.ie/failte-isteach/locations
Thought for the week: If we really believe we are children of God, should we not call home more often?
Hollyford Remembers
Pic of the Past
The Power Family on Dr. Joseph’s Graduation Day
Vera, Rosa, Dr. Joseph, Dr. Vincent and Dr. Joan
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
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