31 July 2024

Borrisoleigh Active Social Club

Mary Duignan with Bishop John Ryan of Malawi

Nora O Brien with Bishop John Ryan 

Fr Hennessy pictured with Bishop John Ryan of Malawi 

We were privileged to have Bishop John Ryan Holycross and the Diocese of Mzuzu in Malawi visit us last Thursday.  We held a coffee morning last year and the funds were forwarded to him. Bishop John was anxious to meet members of our club to inform them how the funds were used. It was all very interesting and we wish Bishop John the best in his continued work with underprivileged people.  


Finn’s Folk Festival

Parish News

Anniversary Masses


Sat 3rd Aug @ 7pm                      Paddy Delaney, Main St.

                                                         Joanne Kiely, Knocknahorna.

                                                      Connie Ryan, Coohaun. Months Mind.


Sun 4th Aug – 11am                    James Kent, Rathmoy.


Date for your Diary

Celtic Brothers starring The Willoughby’s in Concert in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles on Friday, September 27th, 2024. All proceeds to Cathedral Reroofing Project. Tickets now on sale in Thurles Parish Centre, Bookworm, Liberty Square and Holycross Abbey Shop.  Information and Booking @ 0504 22229.


Bereavement Support Information Talk 

 This talk will take place in Milford Care Centre, Education Department on Tue 27th August 2024 from 7pm – 8.30pm. The Bereavement Information Talk is designed to give general information on grief and bereavement to bereaved people, their family, and friends. Members of the Bereavement Service will be present to provide general information on Grief and Bereavement. The evening will comprise of: Short talk by a Bereavement Counsellor, Different experiences of Grief, Services available, Question Time. The Information Talk is Free.


 Fan the Spark’ Conference for Young Adults (18-40) 

Saturday August 24, 9.30am-5.30pm in Legion of Mary, Brunswick St., Dublin. Cost €15. Talks on art, faith, tour of Frank Duff House, Mass, adoration and more. To book visit www.eventbrite.ie or contact deusetpatria@gmail.com.”


Master’s Programme in AgInnovation

 The University of Galway is running a Master’s Programme in AgInnovation and is seeking adult learners of any age who want to make a difference to rural Ireland. No formal education required – we are simply seeking people who want to innovate. It is a one-year Programme combining weekly on-line zoom classes and one Saturday class per month in the University. Supported by Springboard with funds from the government of Ireland and the EU, the programme is subsidised [80% if employed, 100% if unemployed]. If you are a self-starter with the seed of an idea, this Programme is for you. To find out more about this Programme, log on to https://springboardcourses.ie/details/14235 or email the Programme Manager at walterbernard.carlson@universityofgalway.ie or call 083 095 1714. Applications close on 15th August 2024.  Thank you.


Thought for the week

 Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” ―Roy T. Bennett

Eucharistic Adoration

Na Gaeil ar son Gaza.

 300 Days of Genocide is coming up. 

To mark this event,  Local Solidarity group Droichead are arranging a hike up the Devil’s Bit mountain, Tipperary 


Join us on Friday, 2nd August at 7p.m for a 5km looped walk, where we will raise a Palestinian flag in Solidarity with the people of Palestine


Enter R357+P9 into Google Maps for directions. 

Please note this is NOT  the car park at the front of the Devils Bit.


Suitable footwear is advised. 


All welcome, please  spread the word .


Borris-Ileigh GAA History Book

A book is currently being compiled about the history of GAA and Scór in Borrisoleigh. We are looking for names and photos if possible of :
Set Dancers: 1978, 1979, 1980, 2001 and 2008 sets ( they all won the North Final).
Ballad Groups: 1984 and 1985 North Final Winners.
Novelty Act: 2018 (County Final Winners).
You can contact this page directly or contact Carol Kinnane 086 371 2952 

Hi all,

I’ve been tasked with compiling and writing a history of GAA activity in the primary schools, e.g. North Finals/ County Finals, Primary Game, INTO mini sevens etc.

The more recent history is fairly well documented, however older records are sparse. I don’t want to leave anyone out!

If you are aware of any noteworthy GAA related facts from 1987 to present in relation to Fantane NS, St Theresa’s GNS, St Patrick BNS or Scoil Naomh Cualán please get in contact with me at scoilnaomhcualan@gmail.com. Or you can drop photos, newspaper cuttings etc. into the school and I’ll photocopy or scan what’s needed.  

I’m looking for photos of teams, photos of Primary Game representatives, write ups from finals, coaches that were involved over the years, pupils who went on to represent Tipperary in the various codes, GAA quiz winners etc.

Many thanks for your help,

Michael Small


Meals on Wheels

Chair Yoga

Pic of the Past

First Holy Communion Day
Back: Ellie McInerney, Josie Treacy,
Rita Fitzgerald, Mary Ryan,
Mai Stapleton, Maureen O’Dwyer and Bridget Stapleton
Front: Sean McInerney, Joe Treacy,
Dan Fitzgerald, Joe Stapleton,
Mary Ryan and Eileen O’Dwyer
In front: Paula Stapleton

Your Website Needs You

Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.

Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.

Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie

This website is supported by 

Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.

While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook