30 October 2019

Best of Luck

Best of luck to the Borris-Ileigh Senior Hurling Team in the County Final this Sunday from all at Borrisoleigh.ie!


The story of Borris-Ileigh 1986-87 | Tipperary’s last club All-Ireland winners

In the video below, Shane Stapleton chats with fellow Borris native Richie Stakelum about the club’s amazing run back in 1986 and ’87 — their most recent Tipperary county title which preceded their subsequent journey to lifting the club All-Ireland


Halloween Disco

Borrisoleigh Community Development Association

The launch of Split The Pot has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. It will now take place at the beginning of December. More details in the coming weeks.

AXA Community Bike Ride

Two more brilliant cycles at weekend. We had 9 out on the challenging cycle on Saturday covering 50 kms and on Sunday the easy going cycle did 22kms both in beautiful sunshine. Next cycle Saturday at 10 o clock challenging route and Sunday at 10 o clock for the easy going leisure cycle.

Scoil Naomh Cualán

Scoil Naomh Cualán took some photos during the ‘Borris Day’ celebrations in support of our County Final heroes!
Best of luck wishes from all the students and staff of Scoil Naomh Cualán

Ray McCormack with some of the children he his working with while on work experience in Scoil Naomh Cualán.

Up Borris!

Parish News

Anniversary Masses next weekend:   We pray for all whose anniversaries occur, and for whom the following Masses will be offered.

  • Saturday November 2nd 7pm Mass: Mick & Kitty Smith, Main St. and Michael, Bridie and Eddie Ryan, Glenarisk.


  • Sunday November 3rd 9.30 Mass: Denis & Mai Young, Knockahorna

Sunday November 3rd 11am Mass:   Martin & Kitty Ryan and Denis and Mary Gleeson, St. Brigid’s Villas.

    • Feast of all Saints: Is a holy day of obligation Mass on Thursday evening at 7pm and Friday morning at 11am.
    • All Souls Day: A Commemoration Mass for all the Faithful departed will be celebrated. On Saturday November 2nd @ 10am..


  • Invitation: An Invitation is extended to all Community Centre Volunteers and Church Volunteers-for example choir members, readers, collectors, sacristans, Parish Renewal Group members, Eucharistic Ministers and for all those involved in any way with Church Ministry and the Community Centre. It is our way of expressing our gratitude and appreciation for the marvellous work the volunteers do in our Community Centre and Church. This Social Evening will take place after 7pm Mass on Saturday November 9th in the Community Centre.
  • Safeguarding Brief;  Safeguarding seeks to be proactive and covers both children and vulnerable adults.  Education and training are key in keeping the safeguarding message current and not allowing for compliancy. We hold regular training days, conferences and information sessions, which can be found by clicking on www.cashel-emly.ie/safeguarding.
  • Role of the Local Parish safeguarding representative.


Being responsible to the parish priest to promote child safeguarding by:


  • Raising awareness of what child safeguarding is;
  • Disseminating information regarding the standards and guidance, and circulating this information widely;
  • Ensuring Church activities are provided in a way that ensures the safety and well -being of the children involved:
  • Ensuring the contact details of the DLP, Gardai and Tusla are widely publicised;
  • Upholding the seven safeguarding standards in practice and behaviour.



  • Marriage Enrichment Weekend:

A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in a good relationship private time to rekindle the joy of their love.

The next  (residential) Weekend will be held at The Lake Hotel Killarney from 15th-17th November. 2019.  For info. and to book visit www.marriageenencounter.ie

or phone 064-6644319 or 086-6095168..


  • Borrisoleigh Community Centre AGM: Will take place on Wednesday 13th November at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.
  • Affordable Live-in Homecare: provide live in carers for the elderly in your area.  If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087-9916791.  Our website is www.alhomecare.ie.
  • Thought for the week: When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is remember the teacher is always quiet during a test.


Borrisoleigh Active Social Club


Borrisoleigh Active Social Club held their Halloween party  last Mon night in Finns Bar Borrisoleigh.  We had a great crowd.  A Big thanks to everyone who supported the party. The best fancy dressed winner was Dolly Bryan.Thanks to Phil and Johnny Maher for providing great entertainment.  Also thanks to Joe Loughnane for his hospitality and providing a lovely meal for us. 

The winner of the Fancy Dress at the Halloween party

Joe Loughnane presenting Dolly Bryan with her prize for being best fancy dressed at our Halloween party

Laurel and Hardy turned up for the Halloween party

Pilates class for our members continues every Tues at 6.45pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh. 
Our Christmas party will take place on Sun Dec 1st at 2pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh. If you are interested in attending please give your name to any of the officers before Nov 23rd.
Our next meeting takes place in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh on Wed Nov 6th at 8pm. 
Best wishes to the Borrisoleigh Senior Hurling Team who take on Kiladangan in the County Final this Sun.


Last Wednesday we had a First Aid class with Christine O’ Dwyer. This was very informative and interesting and we had a good crowd.  Our thanks to Christine for providing the class for us. 

All Ireland Victory

Local woodturner Donal Ryan has won top professional in Ireland for Woodturners coming first and second, which means he is All Ireland Champion. He has also broken an Irish record as well coming 1st in 2015 ,2nd and 3rd in 2016, 3rd in 2017, 2nd in 2018 and 1st and 2nd in 2019. The wood used was actually grown in Borrisoleigh. The winning pieces are pictured below. You can view more of his work on his website www.donalryanwoodturning.com  phone 087 4165305. 

Winning Piece,Lidded Yew Bowl with tall ebonisied Finial on Pedestel


Thin Walled Cedar Bowl

Yoga Classes


Pic of the Past

Tipperary Mineral Water Award Ceremony
Frank Cooney, Edmund O’Dwyer, Paddy Tynan, General Manager, Claire Ryan and Paddy Dolan


Your Website Needs You!

Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell and Fiona Max
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to:info@borrisoleigh.ie
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.

Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook