28 February 2018
Mass in Ileigh Church Cancelled
There will be no Mass in Ileigh Church on Sunday 4th March due to the bad weather
Community Health and Well-Being Showcase
St Joseph’s College
Green Schools Expo RDS
The Green Schools committee from St. Joseph’s College, Borrisoleigh attended the green schools Expo in the RDS in Dublin on February 22nd hoping to get ideas on how to make the school more environmentally friendly.
There were many informative stands on display as well as optional talks from various environmentalists . Plastic waste was highlighted and our over dependence on plastic and how to dispose of it in a careful manner was one of the main concerns. In Ireland we throw away 100 million standard disposable coffee cups each year, a fact which the students feel we can definitely do something about if we think before we act. There are compostable versions of coffee cups available so it’s just a matter of making them easier to access.
The students were intrigued by the ‘Virtue brush’ which is an environmentally friendly toothbrush with a 100% Bamboo handle and charcoal infused bristles.
Climate change was the main theme of the expo with Dr Michael O Mahony telling us that we have only 20 years to get our countries working together to try and slow down our temperature changes and all the effects it is having on our world. There were lots of interesting projects from schools around the country and many organisations trying to get us to become more aware and careful about how we take care of our environment.
“Helping to reduce their carbon footprint”
Adam Galvin and Josh Younge at the Green schools Expo in the RDS
Track Attack Notes
Borrisoleigh & Ileigh Parish
Borrisoleigh & Ileigh Parish is ‘Listening’ in the Community Centre on March 12th at 7pm. All are welcome.
In accordance with his Pastoral Letter, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’, Kieran, our Archbishop, invites you as a parishioner of Borrisoleigh and Ileigh Parish and a member of the Church in Cashel and Emly to participate in a process of listening and reflecting with a view to planning for the future of the Church in the Archdiocese. The people and priests of each of our parishes are engaged with this listening process. All are welcome to be part of this process including those, who, for various reasons, have left our church communities. The Listening Process in the Parish of Borrisoleigh and Ileigh will take the form of a Listening Gathering for all the parishioners as well as affording the opportunity for all the active groups in the parish to become involved. The Listening Gathering will take place in the Community Centre on Monday, March 12th, at 7.00p.m. followed by light refreshments.
Cooking Demo
Cookery Demonstration by Naomi (Naomi’s Cafe, Thurles) in aid of North Tipperary Hospice.
The Community Centre, Wednesday March 14th 2018 at 7.30pm. tickets €10 each
Glenkeen History
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
The next meeting of the Borrisoleigh Active Social Club takes place in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh on Wed March 7th at the Earlier time of 8pm.
We will have John Connors giving a presentation on the history of Borrisoleigh. This will be a very interesting evening followed by refreshments.
Any outstanding membership needs to be paid to any of the officers immediately. New members (men & women) always welcome. Some of our upcoming events include a night away to Killarney and our annual coffee morning. More details to follow.
Borrisoleigh & The Great Famine

Borris-Ileigh GAA Sportswear
New Borris-Ileigh GAA Sportswear now available to purchase at Bourke Sports. Order must be placed before February 24th.
Half Zip: Adults without initials: €44 (Initials are €4 extra) Kids without initials: €38 (Initials are €4 extra)
Pants: Adults without initials: €38 (Initials are €4 extra) Kids without initials: €33 (Initials are €4 extra)
Phone: 087 613 8004
Borrisoleigh Community Development
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association are delighted to announce that their application for funding under the LEADER Programme 2014-2020 which is in line with the County Development Plan has been approved for The Borrisoleigh River Walk Trailhead at Ballyroan. The grant covers 75% of the costs and the local contribution will be 25%. See plan here.
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes
REGISTRATION: A further membership registration date will take place on Thursday March 1st from 7pm to 8pm at the pavilion. All new members welcome.
Adult player €50, Juvenile €30, Committee/Trainers/Social members €20
CLOTHES COLLECTION: Time to do the spring clean!
Clothes collections will take place on Saturday April 21st at the pavilion from 10.00 am to 12 midday and on Monday and Tuesday evening (April 23rd & 24th) from 7 to 8pm.
Your support would be appreciated.
U12 camogie shield county final winners 2017, receiving their medals at a presentation evening on Saturday last.
Borris-Ileigh U16 camogie championships fixtures.
Sat 3rd March away to St. Pat’s Drangan
Sat 10th March at home to Moycarkey
Sat 24th March at home to Moyle Rovers.
Good luck girls.
Inch Drama Group
In response to the above we received the images below from Anthony Nolan, a programme from a 1978 local production of this play.
Templemore Lions Club
Job Skills Training Course
Interview Technique Course
McAuley Centre Templemore
****Free to All****
40 euro paid to participants on completion of programme
Start dates: March 5th 2018 Mon – Fri 10am – 12.30pm
2 weeks including interview prep & mock interview
Contact Suzanne/ Linda To book your place 0505 23379
Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane
Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin
Kieran Finn, Rathmoy
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