26 April 2023
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association is looking to the future, and we need your help. If you have an idea or a suggestion for something you would like to see happen in Borrisoleigh please let us know. Send your idea or suggestion by clicking here
Borrisoleigh Spring Clean
Parish News
Anniversary Masses: –
Saturday 29th April, 7pm, Borrisoleigh –
Pat Ryan, Curragloss. Month’s Mind.
Lorraine Chute, Grangelough,
Sunday 7th May, 11am, Ileigh –
Amandea Ryan, nee Stapleton, Borrisoleigh
Dan and Mary Ryan, Lower Main St.
Pray for Maura Ryan, Ballydaff who was interred recently.
Please also include the following: –
Women of all Faith, conference on Saturday 6th May at 2pm live on Radio Maria.
VAKS stands for volunteer at Knock Shrine and is for young people in TY, 5th year, and LC that runs over July and August. VAKS gives young people an opportunity to to learn more about their faith, to meet new people, gain new skills, and of course, to have fun. We do this, simply put, by assisting the pilgrim. This could mean assisting with the sacrament of the blessing of the sick, directing people on where to go or what time things are at on during the day, greeting busses in the car park, welcoming everyone to Knock, spending time making mini rosary beads with families, chatting about their day, etc.
There is a mandatory training day – Sunday May 21st. This day includes training such as communication training, manual handling training (specific to the use of wheelchairs),
Our VAKS join us from about 5:30 on a Friday and stay here with the Youth Ministry team until around 6pm on Sunday. Contact Mairead Jennings
Director of Youth Ministry, Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock, 0949375321.
Weekends available this year;
July 7th – July 9th
July 14th – July 16th
July 21st – July 23rd
August 4th – August 6th
The Hook of Faith
The Hook of Faith’ will host a series of zoom seminars to mark ‘Taking the Risk for Christ’ – the year of vocation to the diocesan priesthood that begins on Vocation Sunday 30th April 2023.
The first of these zoom meetings takes place on Friday 5th May at 8pm. It will be chaired by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan, Chair of the Vocations Council of the Irish Episcopal Conference and led by Mgr. Stephen Rossetti, well known author of many books on the priesthood including ‘The Joy of Priesthood’ and ‘Why Priests are Happy’.
All you need to do to participate is to send an email to thehookoffaith@gmail.com
Gift Ideas for First Holy Communion from Veritas
Choose from beautifully designed rosaries, to bibles, missals, prayer books, crosses, medals, watches and more to make this sacramental occasion memorable for the children and their families. Browse the complete range of gifts on www.veritas.ie or visit your local Veritas store.
Foster Carers
There is currently a shortage of Foster Carers in Ireland and Orchard Fostering are now urgently recruiting Fosters Carers in every county.
Our team is available to answer enquiries and offer advice to those who have thought about fostering.
If you have considered fostering or would like to know more, please email info@orchardfostering.ie , call 01 627 5713 or visit our website www.orchardfostering.ie to find out more information.
Eucharistic Adoration
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
The next meeting of the Borrisoleigh Active Social Club takes place on Wed May 3rd at 7pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh. We will be discussing our summer agenda.
Bealtaine Festival 2023 – Smartphone Workshops
Scoil Naomh Cualán and St Joseph’s College
On Friday 28th of April, Scoil Naomh Cualán and St Joseph’s College will be in concert with the Ormond Octaves. The money raised by the concert will be invested in the school extensions that both schools are currently engaged in. It promises to be a wonderful night of entertainment with our school choirs performing with the fantastic Octaves! We will also have a very special performance, by Keelan Chute, the 2023 World Irish Dancing Champion! Please join us for a night to be remembered and to support our local schools. Details can be found on the poster. Thank you.
My Early Years Child
Knitting and Crochet Group
Knitting and Crochet Group continues to meet every Wednesday at 10am. New members with other skills or none always welcome.
Pic of the Past
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook