21 March 2018
Daffodil Day
Daffodil Day will take place in Borrisoleigh next Friday 23rd March.
Volunteers will be located in the Square, Hurley’s and Shanahan’s Centra.
Donations of fresh Daffodils at any of these locations are welcome.
Your support would be greatly appreciated!!
The Daffodil
The Daffodil is a beauty flower
It is so dear to me
It grows by the flowing stream
And looks so pleasantly
It grows so close together
With its beautiful golden flower
When the sun shines on it
It reminds me of spring
Its the nicest little flower
That nature could endure
It comes & goes each spring time
And will come again next year
Each night when I go to bed
In the month of March each year
The daffodil will bow its head
And say goodnight to me
In the morning time when the sun will shine
The daffodil will rise again
With its beautiful golden flower
To say “Hello” again
Composed by Derry Bourke
Féile Luimnigh

James Ryan, who came second in Glenstal Cup and
Winner of the Junior Treaty Competition, solo singing at Féile Luimnigh
Recycling Workshop

For the full list of items that can go in your recycling bin visit recyclinglistireland.ie
The Recycling Ambassador Programme is a VOICE initiative funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, and the Regional Waste Management Offices and REPAK to improve Ireland’s recycling rates and reduce levels of contamination in household recycling bins.
St.Joseph’s College Borrisoleigh
Ag Science Leaving Cert Day
The Ag Science students at St Josephs College Borrisoleigh had a very enjoyable day at Kildalton agricultural college recently. Agri aware organise events at all the country’s agricultural colleges where the leaving cert course is summarised in a hands on practical way. Some businesses such as Dawn meats and Glanbia gave some advice on career paths the students could follow and the various college courses available to them were outlined.

Pictured minding a very well behaved calf are Borrisoleigh students Emily Meagher, Ciara Maher, Christine Delaney and Tara Mockler at the recent Ag Science event at Kildalton Agricultural College

Borrisoleigh’s finest future farmers attending a Leaving Cert Ag Science course at Kildalton Agricultural College
Borrisoleigh Community Garden
Templederry N.S. Fundraising Concert

There are only a limited number of tickets available for the event and demand is high so get in early. We will also have a very interesting raffle which will be publicized shortly also.
Borrisoleigh Track Attack Notes
Kelly’s of Fantane Four County Challenge

Photo shows Alan Kelly of Kelly’s of Fantane with Track-Attack Committee at the launch of Four County Challenge
2018 promises to be a very busy year for Track-Attack with plenty of challenges and races planned for all our members. In 2017, we organised a very successful Three County Challenge with races in Tipperary, Offaly and Waterford.
This year we have added Limerick to the list of counties and Kelly’s of Fantane have again kindly come on board to sponsor the challenge. Last year the Tipperary race was our own Borrisoleigh 5km but this year it will be the Brendan Kinane 5km in Dundrum. This race will kickstart our challenge on Wednesday 2nd May and we intend to make every effort to get as many Track-Attackers as possible to participate in this highly popular event. This is a brilliantly organised event on a course that you will do well to find a flatter one anywhere.
Next up is a trip to the Deise County where we will participate in the Touraneena 5km which is part of the West Waterford Summer Road Racing Series. Organised by James Veale and his team, it is a very enjoyable event where the proceeds go to the local St. Mary’s National School. It’s a course that provides its participants with a bit of everything from uphill, flat and downhill terrain. Touraneena is the home parish of Irish International athlete David McCarthy who won the race last year and Pro Golfer and Irish Olympian Seamus Power.
On Friday 1st of June, we cross over the Provincial boarder to Co. Offaly where we will participate in the Ballyskenach 5km. This is the home race for our own Track-Attack member Anne McCormack. It’s another brilliantly organised event and one of the striking features of the event is the array of club colours displayed as its part of the Offaly Road Running Series. It has a real team atmosphere to it which isn’t easy to achieve in a mainly individual sport.
Its destination Limerick for our fourth race. 3 nights after our own Borrisoleigh 5km, we head to Bruff to compete in the An Bru 5 mile race on Friday 29th June. It’s a new venture for us and no doubt it will be a hugely enjoyable one. An Bru are a club making great strides in all grades of athletics with some excellent athletes and we look forward to making new friends along the way.
Borris-Ileigh Camogie Club Notes
REGISTRATION: A further membership registration date will take place on this Thursday March 22nd from 7pm to 8pm at the pavilion. All new members welcome.
Adult player €50, Juvenile €30, Committee/Trainers/Social members €20
CLOTHES COLLECTION: Time to do the spring clean!
Clothes collections will take place on Saturday April 21st at the pavilion from 10.00 am to 12midday and on Monday and Tuesday evening (April 23rd & 24th) from 7 to 8pm.
Your support would be appreciated.
U16 camogie championships fixture due to be played on Saturday 24th March at home to Moyle Rovers.
Good luck girls.
Marian Hall Lotto Results
No winner
No match 3
Lucky dips:-
Nóirín O Donnell c/o Derry O Donnell
Next week’s jackpot €6,200
Rathmoy Residents Association Progressive 45 Drive
Sr Áine Historical Society
Borris-Ileigh GAA
County Senior Hurling League Round 2:
Our Senior’s will have their first competitive outing of 2018 next weekend after several delays due to weather and other circumstances. We take on Eire Og Annacarthy in Round 2 of the Tipperary Water County Senior Hurling on Sunday the 25th of March away in Annacarthy at 11.45am. Best of luck to both players and managemenin what will be a tough opening outing. Fingers crossed we can get the defence of our title off to a winning start.
North Junior ‘A’ Hurling League Round 2:
Our opening fixture in the North Junior ‘A’ Hurling League against Roscrea which was due to take place last Monday the 19th of March was postponed due to the adverse weather over St.Patricks weekend. This fixture will be replayed at a later date. We now take on Burgess in Round 2 on the 25th of March away in Burgess. The time for this game has yet be announced.
Any updates regarding fixtures will be posted on our social media accounts. Be sure to sign up for our Clubify page, you can also find us on Facebook by searching “Borris GAA”, on Instagram at “borrisileighgaaclub” and on Twitter @Borris_GAA.
Borris-Ileigh GAA Golf Classic 2018:
The 2018 Borris-Ileigh GAA Annual Golf Classic will take place this year across the weekend of 12th and 13th of May in Rathdowney Golf Club. We encourage all from near and far to come along for a Round in what is guaranteed to be a great day out for all with food and refreshments provided for all on the day. Entry for a team of 4 is €140 and sponsorship of a tee box is €50. The Tee Times are open for bookings as of now, so to get your bookings in contact Martin Fahy (087) 2608780 for all of the details. Don’t hesitate to spread the word, we look forward to seeing you all on the 11th and 12th of May.
Premier League “Last Man Standing” Extra Time:
With one Last Man Standing competition drawing ever closer to the finish line we are starting another one giving you another chance to prove your knowledge in all things Premier League . This Premier League ‘Last Man Standing’ competition will run from Saturday the 31st of March till a lucky winner is found. Entry is just €10 with a fine prize pot of €300 for the lucky winner. The entry can be given to Trevor Groome (087) 7477132, Tommy Mockler (085) 2741024 and Philip Fahey (087) 2916361. All usual rules will apply, once entered each week you must text your name and Premier League team you think will WIN to 0872690591. Selections to be received no later than 7PM Friday evenings before a Round of fixtures begins. If you are unfamiliar with the rules or format of the competition be sure to check our social media accounts for more details. All funds raised from both “Last Man Standing” competitions go directly towards paying for our fantastic new Hurling Wall which is an invaluable asset for our Club in developing the next generation of young girls and boys to wear the Maroon and White. We thank you again for your continued support, without your efforts we would not be able to carry on to make the great strides we are making in developing our Club facilities in the Park which is a credit to your unyielding generosity. Best of luck to all entries.
This Results of our weekly Borris-Ileigh GAA Club Lotto draw are as follows:
The numbers played were 9, 10, 26 and 28. This weeks Lucky Dip winners were:
- Dylan Ryan, Pallas Street
- Conor Stakelum, c/o Robbie Stakelum
- Noel Kent, Main St.
- Sarah Ryan, c/o Joe Kennedy
Well done to all of this weeks lucky dip winners. Next Weeks Jackpot is up to a nice €6,000.
If you wish to play online in time for next weeks draw you can do so here: https://t.co/dgS65gWjRk
Best of luck all entries and thank you for your continued support.
Borris Abu!
Book Launch
Glankeen of Borrisoleigh by Rev. M Kenny S J. A history of the parish of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary, originally published in 1944 and which has been out of print for several decades is being republished in an updated and expanded format. The new book is being launched in The Community Centre on Friday 18th May at 7.30pm
The new publication will include a reproduction of Fr. Kenny’s original work plus several new chapters covering Borrisoleigh casualties in the Great War, An updated history of the ancient monastic site of St Cualainn. A listing of the gravestone inscriptions in Glankeen Cemetery along with a map of the grave locations. Descriptive interpretation of the gravestone iconography found in the cemetery and essays on some notable personages interred in Glankeen.
The republished work will be available in limited edition hardcover and softcover bindings. Pre publication prices are as follows; Hardcover €27.50, Softback €20. To reserve a copy email; glankeen@tipprevolution.ie
Pic of the Past ………..down memory lane

Confirmation Day – 1949
Jack Ryan and Sean Young