The newly formed Borrisoleigh Drama Group recently presented ‘Spreading the News’, a one-act comic play by Lady Gregory, to a packed Marion Hall on both Thurs 13th and Fri 14th June. We are delighted with the positive feedback we received from the audience on both nights and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves before, during and after the play.
A big thank you to all our supporting acts who entertained the audience before the play, with a novelty act, recitations, music, singing and dancing, and all helped to make both nights such a wonderful success.
Special thanks also to the Marian Hall Committee for being so supportive and generous towards us, to all who helped prepare the hall, create the set, supply the produce and props for the ‘fair’, sponsors of costumes and generous spot prizes, Phil Maher for Sound, all those who provided and served refreshments, to all the local businesses who allowed us to display our posters and to promote our activities, to our ticket sellers and all who helped out in any way.
If anyone wishes to order a copy of the DVD, which cost €15, please contact any of the Drama Group members.
We are taking a break until September when we hope to re-convene and plan our next play(s). If anyone would like to get involved in the group, whether on or off stage, you are very welcome to join us. We will publicise our next meeting on www.Borrisoleigh.ie and on our Facebook page: ‘Borrisoleigh DramaGroup’.

The Producers

Rehersals on the Fair Green
Restraining Red Jack Smith
The unfortunate Bartley Fallon being accused
Drama Supporting Acts
Ballad Group
All Girls Set Dancers
Phil Maher
Noel Joyce

This year’s cycle will take place on Sunday 15th of September and will be in support of Pieta House Roscrea the Centre for the Prevention of Self-Harm or Suicide. Pieta House is a non-profit organisation that provides a free, specialised treatment programme for people who have suicidal thoughts or engage in self-harming. The Pieta House vision is to provide suicide and self-harm support services within 100 kilometres of everyone in Ireland. Pieta House wants to: reduce the number of deaths by suicide, reduce the number of people engaging in self-harm and raise awareness of the issues of suicide and self-harm. Pieta House offers One-to-One Counselling, Family Support, Self/Family/Friend Referral and Free Professional Therapy
Pieta House, opened in Lucan, Co Dublin, in January 2006. Since then, it has also opened two outreach centres in Tallaght and Finglas, as well as centres in Ballyfermot, Limerick and Roscrea Co. Tipperary. It offers those affected by suicide or deliberate self-harm an intensive, solution-focussed and entirely free programme of therapy by trained and accredited therapists. There is a nationwide demand for Pieta House services and they are opening new Pieta House centres across Ireland. Pieta House now has a staff of 80 and the demand for their services hasn’t let up. In 2012, more than 3,000 people came to Pieta House for help and the numbers contacting them are rising all the time.
Sponsorship cards will be available shortly so once again its time to get the bike in working order and start training. A few short spins two to three times a week between now and the 15th of September should be enough to get you around the traditional 25-mile course from Borrisoleigh to Thurles, Templemore and back to Borrisoleigh. The 50-mile route will again be an option for the more serious cyclist with the route yet to be finalised but you can be sure it will be a nice test with plenty of preparation required. On-road support will be provided for both groups and refreshments will be available during the cycle and also on return to Borrisoleigh. P.J. Delaney and Ruairi O’Connell will distribute sponsorship cards in the coming weeks. In our 10th year Borrisoleigh Charity Cycle are delighted to support this very worthy organisation in their fundraising efforts on an issue that has touched families, parishes and communities nationwide. we would urge you to make a special effort this year to participate in any way you can in supporting this cause.

Underage: Our under 12’s were out in Dolla on Saturday they got on very well.
Our under 13’s will have their first competitive game on Monday the 1st July, opposition, venue and time to be confirmed.
Our minor panel continue to train. They had their first challenge match on Monday evening against Toomevara in Toomevare where they got on very well, this was the first minor team to play for Borris-Ileigh since the club reformed in 2007. Their first competitive match will be against Shannon Rovers on the 9th July at 7.15 pm in Borrisokane. The remaining fixtures are 23rd July at home against Ballingarry, 13th Aug away against Moycarkey and 20th Aug at home against Portroe.
Intermediate Team: Training continues they have a challenge match on Saturday in the park at 7pm against Roscrea.
Administration: Church gate collection will take place on the weekend of the 20th & 21st July. Camogie club merchandise now available Hoodies, tracksuits, t-shirts, jerseys and raincoats available. See Advertising Section of www.borrisoleigh.ie for pictures. If interested please contact Caroline at 086 1522716. You can also follow us on Facebook.
Calling all home producers, bakers, growers, craftspeople, food producers, artisans, meat producers and any other interested to a meeting.
If you are interested in being part of a community Co-op shop & Café in Borrisoleigh please call/text 086 8068616.
Keep it local
May She Rest in Peace
The death has ocurred of Sr. Anges Mary Lynch of Mount St. Oliver’s, Dundalk and formerly of Knockbrack, Borrisoleigh. She was interred last week. We offer our deepest sympathies to her community, family and friends. May she rest in peace.
Pic of the Past……….down memory lane
Back:John Ryan, Hugh Bourke, Gretta Ryan and B. Stapleton
Front: M. Stapleton, Lil Lynch, May Fogarty, Martin Ryan, Sis Bourke,
Jack Stapleton and Margaret (Peggy) Ryan
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Michael Barry, Marie McGrath and Aileen Óg Groome
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items. Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!
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