
Damian Ryan (Coolaun lower, Borrisoleigh), Tara Johnston (Loughmore), Elaine Hurley (Pallas St, Borrisoleigh) and Johnny Gleeson (Thurles) would like to extend very warm Christmas greetings to all their friends and families back home.

James spreads some Christmas Cheer by singing to his heart’s content in Carrigeen

Paddy sings while Teresa laughs! While mother and daughter – Kellie and Emma – sing off the same hymn sheet!

Vinny shares his musical talent with the residents in Carrigeen Nursing Home
Even the papparazzi gets put in the picture much to the amusement of Mary and Austin
John belts out his version of why why why Delila!!!
A snapshot of some of the choir group that gathered in Carrigeen Nursing Home las Friday evening
Emer and Orla sing a pop song for the residents
John with Mary Anne (aged 106 years!) while Fr Tom keeps everyone well lubricated during the sing-song in Carrigeen.
And of course the evening would not be complete without the cuppa, the chat and the refreshments
Fr Tom does his best ‘God love him the poor crater!’

Merry Christmas from Germany to Borrisoleigh
Staff and children of Grundschule Stahringen (partner school of St.Therese) send warmest wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a Happy New Year.

(Back): Anne Brennan (Acting Principal), Alan Coady, Carrigatoher, Nenagh (UCD), Alice Regan (Deputy Principal), Eamon Ryan, Upperchurch (UCD), Padraig O Shea (Patron)
(Front): Edel Ryan, Templederry & Kate Kenny, Borrisoleigh (Trinity College); and Lorraine Harrahill, Drom (UL).
Pictured above are our excellent students from last years Leaving Certificate class. Each of these students won University Entrance Scholarships from their respective College.

Winner of the Photo competition (254 entries) organised by Kevin McCarthy was Martin Coffey with runners-up being Marguerite Young, Aisling Power & Joanne Minogue.
Transition Year Students make Christmas Wreaths

St. Stephen’s Day Sponsored Walk / Run
A sincere word of thanks to all who organised the event and to all who took part in it. Over two thousand euro was raised and will go toward the remaining debt on the building. Míle buíochas to everyone and a Happy New Year to all.

Paddy and Joe are happy to pose for the Press while neighbouring parish priest Fr. Martin Murphy keeps Eleanor under his wing!

Out on the road and in full flight!

The weather wasn’t great but the spirits were high!

Mario is happy to wave as he provides refreshments en route for the walkers and runners!

Thumbs up from George for the Community Centre Sponsored Walk / Run

Yippppeeee we made it!!!!

Nativity Play at Fifi’s Tot’s Preschool

The entire cast of Fifi’s Tots Preschool Nativity Play

Fifi’s Tots Preschool Nativity Play

Pic of the Past….Down Memory Lane

Helen Maher, Mary, Deirdre and Joe Lennon

Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items. Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!