The Changing of the Guard!
Fr. Nicholas J. Irwin and Fr. Tom Hearne
During the recent diocesan changes the appointment of Fr. Irwin to be parish priest of Gortnahoe and Glengoole was announced. Fr. Irwin was with us in Borrisoleigh & Ileigh for over thirteen years and has endeared himself to many during that time. We take this opportunity to wish him well in his new parish and to thank him for all that he has done in our parish over the years.
May the road rise to meet him and may the wind be always at his back!
We also take this opportunity to welcome Fr Tom Hearne who is to be our new curate. Fr. Tom is a native of Mullinahone and has been working in the parish of Murroe and Boher for the last number of years. He is also the director of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, so some of our parishioners may know him in that regard.
We wish both men the very best as they set out on a new path in life.
May She Rest in Peace
Margaret Ryan of Castlehill R.I.P.
The death occurred on Thursday 2nd February of Margaret Ryan of Castlehill. Her Funeral Mass took place in the Sacred Heart Church Borrisoleigh on Saturday 4th February with burial in Upperchurch Cemetery. We offer our deepest sympathies to her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes June 2012
For details of this year’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes visit the Advertising / Diary of Events section of our website
Fit4Life Templemore
Due to the large number of newcomers to Fit4Life since the start of January, we have now reached our capacity so membership is closed until further notice. This will be reviewed in the coming months.
Well done to Aaron, Cian, Dirk, Ewan, James, Luke, Nicky and Pauraic who represented our school at the Credit Union Table Quiz on Friday night. Congrats also to James, Oisín and Raymond who brought North honours to our club in Scór na bPáistí. Best of luck to all the Borrisoleigh representatives in the Co. Final on Sunday.
The boys having great fun making St. Brigid’s Crosses to mark, ‘Lá Fhéile Bhríde’.


The boys really enjoyed making Chinese lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year, Kung Hei Fat Choi from all in St. Patrick’s!
Our senior indoor hurling team that represented our school so well in a recent tournament in Nenagh.
Back row left to right: Mr Small, Stephen, Raymond, Seamus, Nicky, Aaron, Tadhg O’Connor, Dirk.
Front row left to right: Ewan, George, James, Oran.
Hugh learning about his famous relative Frank Hurley, who sailed with Tom Crean and Sir Ernest Shackleton on board ‘The Endurance’, exploring Antarctica.
Borris-Ileigh GAA News
At our recent ajourned convention Joe Harkin was confirmed as our new U21 manager in both Hurling&Football. Also on the night Martin Ryan was opted onto the committee. We welcome both on board and wish them all the best in 2012.
U21 A Football: There are only three teams entered in this competition. We have drawn Kildangan in our first match and then Burgess. The date for first match is provisionally fixed for around the 18th. Feburary. Training has now commenced and it is very important that each team liase with our Secretary Gerry Treacy with regard to booking their night for training, number to contact 086 3958405.
Membership is now being collected by our registrar John Bradshaw. Fees this year remain unchanged. All players must be fully registered before they represent the club.
The club extends its sympathies to the families and relatives of Patricia Maher , Cullohill, Margaret Stapleton, Birchill,Drombane, Martin Costigan, Templetuohy, Michael Ryan, Mountgeorge, who passed away recently. Ar dheis de go raibh a anamacha dilis.
Scor na bPaisti News
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Mary Lennon’s 89th birthday
Mary had her 89th Birthday down in West Cork and had a great day with her family. She has been very unwell in recent times and in fact was only out of the hospital 6 days ago.

Mary is pictured here with her son Michael and daughter Deirdre

As a footnote, Mary was presented recently with the General Service Cross for her part in the last war, serving as a Civil Nursing Reserve in Manchester throughout the bombing by the Lufwaffe over the many years that laid Manchester almost flat. She recalls sharing out the butter that her mother sent to her sliced thinly in greaseproof paper with her nursing colleagues.
Amazing spirit and still going strong.
Camogie Notes

The Tipperary Camogie County Board will hold a sale of work and goods auction in the county camogie grounds on Sunday 19th February 2012 at 1.30 p.m.
If anyone has good quality toys, clothes, bric’ n’ brac, books etc. to donate they will be greatly appreciated. Please drop donations to Carmel Harkins anytime before 19th February
Buns, cakes etc. will also be welcome on the day.4
Borrisoleigh Camogie Club wish the county board every success in this fundraising endeavour. The Club would also like to wish a sincere welcome to the players who’ve transferred from neighbouring clubs both underage and adults to their native parish now that we have the club up and running for a few years.
Thanks also to our new volunteers for training at underage level. We also wish Julie a speedy recovery. Under 14 & 16 training will be at 1 pm on Saturday, under 12 training at 11.30 also on Saturday. Junior team will be notified by text re training shortly.

The Borrisoleigh Senior Panel will shortly be ordering a limited edition Adidas Tiro training top with official club crest. Picture and size guide can be viewed in the Advertising/ Diary of Events section of the website. These are high-quality, durable tops which would make an ideal gift and are also the first garments we have ordered from Adidas so are sure to be highly sought after. They are very reasonably priced at €30 with official club crest professionally embroidered on to each garment. We will be making only one order so if you would like one please get in contact as soon as possible as we intend to order by the end of February at the latest.
Marian Hall Lotto
Numbers: 2, 6, 14, 28
No Jackpot Winner
1 Match 3 @ €150
Tina Johnston, Toomevara
Next Week’s Lotto Jackpot
Pic of the Past…..down memory lane
Maureen O’Dwyer, Pallas Street, Bridget Ryan, Ballyroan and Eileen Ryan, Rathcarden
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Michael Barry, Marie McGrath and Aileen Óg Groome
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items during 2011. Remember, we need you to continue to send us your news in 2012.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!
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