
Lorraine with her brothers Sean and David on her wedding day
Padraig back from Chad
They provided security for refugee camps and IDPs (internally displaced people fro Chad). When speaking of his experience Padraig said that it was an amazing opportunity to see how other cultures live and it also made him realise just how lucky are in at home here in Ireland (despite the recession!). What shocked him most was the absolute poverty of the people and the traumatic effect that war has on their lives. Typically his day would start at 5 am owing to the heat of the mid-day sun which could raise temperatures to the mid 50s.
The Christmas period in the camp was a little lonesome for all the lads but the they did their best to keep their spirits us despite being so far away from home. He celebrated St. Stephen’s day by running a half marathon (whatever happened the other half we wonder!) The biggest concern for the EUFOR (European forces) was the constant threat of being attacked by the rebels and on many occasions the Camp was on full alert. But despite all of this Padraig said that he would willingly return if called to do so.

Reporting for peace-keeping duty
The Camp

The enclosed camp where Padraig and his colleagues lived during their time in Chad
Flying high over Chad

Coming in to land with the camp dead ahead (runway to the left of the camp)
Urban planning in Chad!

A birds-eye view of the local residences
Slightly overloaded!

The local boys salute on the move!

Padraig with cap-in-hand and his mates travelling VIP style
Keepin’ an eye on things!

Don’t mess with me – I have a gun!

The green army boys

Now I have a gun and a TANK!
Bolt of Lightening at Base Camp
Natural fireworks in Chad!
For more photos of life in Chad go to our Photo Gallery or click on the following links:
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Illegal Parking with a Smile!!!

A nice snowy scene with the creamery in the background

The snow capped castle ruin, probably the last of the snows for another year!
May They Rest in Peace
We also record the death of Marion O’Dwyer late of St. Brigid’s Villas and daughter of the late Peter and Nonie O’Dwyer who has also died. She was laid to rest in St. Brigid’s cemetery on Saturday afternoon last 14 February. We offer our sincere sympathies to their families and friends.

The nearest she could get to a sheep was a lama!

Spot the odd one out?!!!
Hold on tight!

Siobhan with her friend Noreen on a cold day in Bolivia!
Smile – it’s for borris.ie

With friends on the Inca Trail
A city built on a hill-top

The ‘Dead Woman’s Pass’ – Siobhan almost felt this way when she finally got there! (a four day triail – 4200m above sea level)
It could be Cullohill Castle in the backgound!

Prentending to be miners but looking more like Kelly’s workers!
Table Quiz in the Clodagh
Table quiz in The Clodagh Bar in aid of Borrisoleigh GAA club on Friday 27th Feb @ 9pm….. €40 per table (adult ) & €20 per table juvenile. Raffle on the night also.
Havin’ a chat!

Tommy Gleeson and Mary Lanigan-Ryan havin’ a chat after Sunday morning Mass recently
It’s ‘snow’ easy job in these conditions!
A man with a mission!
Martin Fahy with a determined look on his face and his little ‘blue’ black book in hand!
Declan Maher testing the snow
Keith Ryan, Mattie Vahey, John Ryan and Thomas Fahy doing the drills
Keith Ryan planning his next move
Clodagh Macra Support
Some of the supporters who travelled to Mallow last weekend to cheer on our All-Ireland Public Speaking Champions Laura Ryan, Teresa Kennedy and Denise Ryan
Enjoying the celebrations after the great All-Ireland win!
Upcoming Events….Scór
The North Final of Scór Sinsear will take place in the Marian Hall on Saturday 28th February at 8 p.m.
Marian Hall Lotto
Numbers: 03, 09, 15, 18
No Jackpot Winner
3 match 3 @ €50 each
K Ryan, Ballina
Carol Kevin, c/o Bingo
Lorraine Coleman, Railway View, Templemore
Next Weeks Lotto Jackpot
Pic of the Past…….down memory lane
Funeral cortege of Russell, Bourke and Shea in Roscrea
Truck driven by Joe Stapleton of Main Street Borrisoleigh. In passenger seat: Big Jim Stapleton of Finnahy
Your Website Needs You!
Website Committee: Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Marie McGrath, Aileen Óg Groome, Michael Barry and Enda Ryan
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items for this weeks current news.
Well done!
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!