Table Quiz in the Clodagh

The winners – Michael Carey, Sheila and Ruairi O’Connell and John Hogan

Celebrating Tipp’s Win

A large crowd of people turned out for the annual St. Cualan’s Senior Citizens’ sponsored walk on Sunday June 15th at 6 p.m. The usual Rathmoy route was travelled with lively banter and chit chat to be heard all along the way. Liquid refreshments were supplied en route and tea and sandwiches were made available in the Marian Hall at the end of the walk.

On Friday June 13th Child Protection Representatives from every parish in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly were commissioned in a special ceremony at St. Patrick’s College, Thurles. Archbishop Dermot Clifford in his address to the 100 volunteers from all over the Diocese praised their generosity and dedication. He said that their involvement in this initiative showed their care and concern for the welfare of the children of their respective parishes and also their commitment to Church life. In our own parish Michelle Duignan of Glentane and Catriona Spooner of Rathmoy have undergone the training course involved and will now act as our Parish Child Protection Representatives. We thank them for their generous commitment to this task.
Polling was brisk with a 58.8% turnout in North Tipperary. Irish voters rejected the Treaty by a margin of 53.4% to 46.6%.

Bill and Irene Duff on their way to cast their vote in the Lisbon Treaty.
Harry Joes Golf Society held their third outing of the year in Limerick County Golf Club in Ballineety on Saturday last June 14th. The competition played on the day was George Ryan’s Captains Prize. Over 40 members took part and a very enjoyable day was had by all.

Prize winners on the day:
1st Martin Fahy
2nd John McGrath
3rd Declan Stapleton
Cat A: Jimmy O’Donnell, Aidan Cowan and Denis Ryan
Cat B: Mattie Stapleton, Mark Stapleton and Declan Maher
Cat C: John F. Kennedy, Tony Rabbitte and Neil Stapleton

The next outing will take place in the GoldCoast Golf Club in Dungarvan on August 23rd.
Sergeant Tom McCormack and Fr. Michael Barry take time out from their recent discussions on the state of the local parish and community for a brief photo call.

Both gentlemen are agreed that in the interests of national and ecclesiastical security “the least said the soonest mended” and so neither would be drawn on the nature, substance or content of their deliberations. ‘NO COMMENT’ was all they were heard to say when questioned about their bilateral encounter at the Clodagh Bar on Friday June 13th last.
We can only speculate that perhaps it was the minutiae of the recently rejected Lisbon Treaty, or maybe the escalating scale of our individual carbon footprint, that occupied the minds of these two men. Or could it have been ‘the price of the pint’?! Who knows?! One thing is for sure – we’ll never know!!!
Thursday 12th June
Numbers: 11, 14, 24 & 26
€50 Lucky Dip winners:
Tricia Loughnane c/o Michael Browne
Mary Fogarty c/o T.F. Stapleton
Tom Ryan, Killeen, Nenagh
Maura Norton c/o Garda College
Next draw: Thursday 19th June, in Coffey’s Bar
Jackpot: €11,000
Results Marian Hall Lotto
2, 9, 10, 13
No Winner
2 match 3 winner @ €75 each
Nonie Costello, Milestone
Cathy Patton, Curraghloss
Next Weeks Lotto Jackpot

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