19 February 2025
Track-Attack Club Notes
St. Patrick’s Day Event
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club were delighted to present proceeds from their coffee morning to Féileacáin last Wednesday night. The amount raised was €1605 and was presented to Jacinta from Féileacáin. Féileacáin is a support group who help parents and families who have lost a baby during or shortly after pregnancy.
Marian Hall
Anniversary/Months Mind Masses
Saturday 22nd February – 7pm
Oliver Ryan Main Street – Months Mind
Sarah & Paddy Kennedy, Cronovone.
Josephine O’Dwyer & Mary Kennedy Ryan.
Sunday 23rd February – 11am
Susan Vera O Hanlon, Nenagh – Months Mind
Bereavement Information Talk -Tuesday 25th February 2025 @ 7pm to 8.30pm in Milford Care Centre, V94 H795.
Bereavement Support Information Talk will take place in Milford Care Centre, V94 H795, Education Department on Tuesday 25th February 2025 from 7pm – 8.30pm.
The Bereavement Information Talk is designed to give general information on grief and bereavement to bereaved people, their family and friends. Members of the Bereavement Service will be present to provide general information on Grief and Bereavement.
The evening will comprise of: Short talk by a Bereavement Counsellor, Different experiences of Grief, Services available, Question Time. The Information Talk is Free. No booking required, Check in from 6.40pm
Marriage Encounter Ireland
The Catholic Marriage Enrichment Programme has been transforming marriages in Ireland for over 50 years, and it is active in 94 countries worldwide. This programme offers a weekend experience that helps couples enhance their communication and deepen their love for each other. The weekend experience provides a broader and deeper understanding of the sacrament of marriage. Sacramentally married couples are invited to participate. Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching, we understand marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman. While faith is an important aspect of the experience, the focus of the weekend is on the realities and challenges of married life. Restore, Renew, Rekindle. We welcome you to our next Marriage. Enrichment Weekend Friday 28th– 30th March 2025. Venue: Knock, Co. Mayo www.marriageencounter.ie
Vocations Afternoon at the Poor Clare Monastery
College Road, Cork, for young women considering the contemplative religious life. Saturday February 22nd, 2-4 pm. For further information, email: vocationspoorclarescork@gmail.com
Blood Donation Clinic
The Dome Semple Stadium
Wednesday 19th & Thursday 20th February 4:50pm – 8:10pm. New Donors welcome. Please phone 1800 222 111 for appointments.
Scór na bPáistí
Knitting and Crochet Group
The Knitting and Crochet Group meets on Wednesday from 10am to 11.30am in the Community Centre. New members welcome. For queries please contact Mary at 0863098982
Borrisoleigh Historical Society
This Friday night we welcome Dr John Reynolds and his fascinating talk on The Soloheadbeg Ambush 21 January 1919. This revealing lecture should not be missed.
Further details contact: Michael 0862262022 John 0862752634 Jamie :0858566070
Eucharistic Adoration
Adult Set Dancing Classes
Meals on Wheels Kitchen Assistants Required
Borris-Ileigh GAA History Book
A book is currently being compiled about the history of GAA and Scór in Borrisoleigh. We are looking for names and photos if possible of :
Set Dancers: 1978, 1979, 1980, 2001 and 2008 sets ( they all won the North Final).
Ballad Groups: 1984 and 1985 North Final Winners.
Novelty Act: 2018 (County Final Winners).
You can contact this page directly or contact Carol Kinnane 086 371 2952
Hi all,
I’ve been tasked with compiling and writing a history of GAA activity in the primary schools, e.g. North Finals/ County Finals, Primary Game, INTO mini sevens etc.
The more recent history is fairly well documented, however older records are sparse. I don’t want to leave anyone out!
If you are aware of any noteworthy GAA related facts from 1987 to present in relation to Fantane NS, St Theresa’s GNS, St Patrick BNS or Scoil Naomh Cualán please get in contact with me at scoilnaomhcualan@gmail.com. Or you can drop photos, newspaper cuttings etc. into the school and I’ll photocopy or scan what’s needed.
I’m looking for photos of teams, photos of Primary Game representatives, write ups from finals, coaches that were involved over the years, pupils who went on to represent Tipperary in the various codes, GAA quiz winners etc.
Many thanks for your help,
Michael Small
Church Notices
HeART of Gaza
Divine Mercy Conference
Pic of the Past

Back: Tom Costello, ….., Sean Kelly, Mary Ryan, Paddy Connors, Michael Ryan, Coolawn, Mary Ryan, The Glebe and Seamus Tynan
Middle: Ann Costello, Marion Everard, Margaret Ryan, The Glebe,
Margaret Ryan, Coolataggle, Mary Kennedy, Mary Ryan, Coolataggle and Tom Brien
Front: Tom Everard, Mickie Kelly, Jim Stapleton, Phil Maher, Paddy McDonnell and Paddy Ryan Murray
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook