16 October 2019
Bat Workshop
On Wednesday October 23rd Albert Nolan will be providing free biodiversity training on bats starting at 7pm. This will be held in Borrisoleigh Community Centre. Training will involve a short indoor presentation on bats in the community, training on how to use bat detectors followed by a bat walk to record any species present in the village using the bat detectors. This is a fun and educational walk and helps raise awareness around these misunderstood creatures. This event is being facilitated by the Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
Tippwoi Tours
Killarney’s Arts and Cultural Centre was full to capacity to welcome its visitors from Borrisoleigh who came to town to perform their event, marking the centenary of the arrest and court-martial of Fr Thomas O’Donnell.
Cllr Michael Gleeson, Mayor of Killarney, welcomes the Borrisoleigh visitors.
A partially deaf Mr Marsh, converses with Fr O’Donnell
Fr O’Sullivan confides his troubles in his cousin Fr O’Sullivan
Reverend Mother Sr Gertrude Clare, relays the sad news of the death of Margaret Bennett from Indianapolis.
Tracy Coyne, proprietor of the International Hotel thanks the visitors and audience.
The wonderful cast, who done credit to Borrisoleigh.
Stewart Chambers gets his marching orders from hotel manageress, Georgina Bennett.
Miss Mill, Mr Jarvie and Mr Waddell get a surprise interruption from the IRA.
A reluctant “Tim the waiter” is cross-examined by Sir Archibald Bodkin KC
Relaxing in Killarney’s International Hotel after a job well done
At a recent talk given by John Connors to Fethard Historical Society. A familiar face in the crowd.
AXA Community Bike Ride
This was our longest cycle since we started at 30km.We cycled to Loughmore tea rooms and enjoyed our afternoon tea and scones which fueled us for our return journey to Borris. 2 cycles again next Sunday 8.45 for challenging cycle and 10.30 for easy going which is returning to Loughmore again for those that missed out. Thanks again to all cyclists and P.J Delaney for his help. I am ordering Club Gilets soon if interested text me thanks.
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club
Borrisoleigh Active Social Club are holding a First Aid class this Wed Oct 16 at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre Borrisoleigh. This is being provided by Christina O Dwyer. Everybody welcome and refreshments will be provided.
Halloween Disco
Chiropody Service
Chiropody Service will continue in the Parish Centre on Friday 18th October 2019
Parish News
- Anniversary Masses next weekend: We pray for all whose anniversaries occur, and for whom the following Masses will be offered.
- Saturday 19th October 7pm Mass: Michael Small, Rathcarden, and Michael, Mary and Padraig Ryan, Glenkeen.
- Sunday 20th October 9.30 Month’s Mind Mass: Mary Kinnane, Rusheen.
- Sunday 20th October 11am Month’s Mind Mass: Mary Ryan,Currabaha.
- Mass Time Change: From Saturday October 19th until further notice evening Mass for Sunday will be celebrated at Please note change of time. Sunday Masses will be at the usual times.
- Safeguarding Brief 20th October Safeguarding
- The Archdiocese ensures that all children involved in parish activities are safe and cared for. We have in place parental/guardian consent forms for all activities, code of conduct for both children and adults, sign in and out registers, gardai vetting for all adult helpers/leaders every 5 years.visitcashel-emly.ie/safeguarding to find out more.
- Thank you for your prayers and generosity towards World Mission Sunday last weekend. Your kindness means so much. It will help missionaries and struggling communities to form and sustain communities of hope and faith. Please know that your continued kindness towards World MissionSunday makes transformative differences in the lives of people who are suffering. Thank you
- You can still support World Mission Sunday! Donate online at www.wmi.ie/donate or give €4 right now by texting the word ‘Mission’ to 50300. (texts cost €4 World Mission Ireland will receive a minimun of €3.60. Service Provider: LikeCharity. Helpline: 076 680 5278 Republic of Ireland only) You can also donate on line at www.wmi.ie/donate World Missions Ireland, the Church’s charity for overseas mission, is responsible for the coordination of Mission Month. Go to www.wmi.ie to learn more about their work.
- Revive: “Pull Hope” A Catholic Space for young people 18-30 to encounter HOPE. Games, Community & Free Pizza YOU are invited
- 23rd October 2019 @ 8pm Parish Hall BótharnaNaomh Thurles. For more information contact 087-0646637.
- Thought for the Week:
Faith is like Wi-fi it’s invisible but it has the power to connect you to what you need.
Courses Available
Split The Pot Coming to Borrisoleigh
Borrisoleigh Community Development Association will be launching a fun fundraiser called ‘Split The Pot’. There will be a launch night on Sunday October 27th with the first draw taking place on Tuesday 29th October. Stay tuned for more details!
Pic of the Past
Early Photograph of Summerhill House
Summerhill House was built c. 1705 – 1706, by the Harding family, who came from Nenagh. They had some connections with the Castlein Borrisoleigh. The Hardings had two sons. Summerhill House was built for one of them, while Brookley House in Drom was built forthe second son. Brookley House was burned down c. 1921 – 1922. The Hardings continued to live in Summerhill House until c. 1860.The Bradshaw family were the new owners of Summerhill House. They occupied the house until 1907, when Bob Wallace ofTemplederry purchased the house from the Bradshaw family who emigrated to Australia.About ten years ago c. 1994 – 1995, Richard Bradshaw, aged 94 years returned to see the house. He asked the present owner,Robert Wallace to show him around. The old man went straight to a side entrance where he found his name and that of his fatherinscribed on the back of the door. The door is still in use today.About 15 years ago, Robert Wallace was having a new floor fitted. During the excavation of the old floor, the workmen came upona circular wall about 20 – 24 inches in thickness. This wall appeared to extend out under the foundation of the house and onto thelawn. It is thought that it was the foundation of a castle or large house which existed before 1703. It would therefore appear that thesite was occupied long before 1703.
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