13 October 2021
Scoil Naomh Cualán
There was great excitement in school this week when the postman delivered our SFI Discover Science & Maths Award. Well done to all the pupils and staff that worked so hard at maths and science to achieve this award.
Our Green Schools committee are busy collecting plastic bottle caps for our art project. A bin will be left outside the senior school for anyone who would like to donate their bottle caps. Thanking you in advance.
Parish News
Anniversaries: Saturday October 16th 7pm Mass Michael Small, Rathcarden
Sunday October 17th 11am Mass Patrick Ryan (Matt) Currabaha. You are also asked to pray for William (Bud) Hodgins and Seamus Ryan, Coolataggle who were interred recently.
Tune into Prayer: Young adults retreat, Saturday 23rd October in Glenstall Abbey Co. Limerick beginning @10am. For further details see notice board in front porch of Church.
Weekend of 9th October
With the good news that our churches are open, safeguarding checks continue to take place to ensure and maintain a safe environment, as well as the yearly Parish safeguarding Audit being sent out to the Parish Priest and Parish Safeguarding reps in the next few weeks to complete and return to the Archdiocese.
As we welcome people back, we offer our continued reassurance of our commitment to safeguarding in the parish and Archdiocese.
Weekend of 16th October
‘SAFEGUARDING IS EVERYBODY’S RESPONIBILITY’. To safeguard those most vulnerable, we all have a part to play. If we have a concern for the safety / wellbeing of anybody, we must report this to the appropriate authority, whether that be, Gardai, HSE, Tusla, GP, Church Authority. The Director of Safeguarding and Diocesean Designated Liaison person, is not only available to you for church related concerns, but can offer you advice on how to report any concerns in the wider context. Please feel free to contact Cleo Yates at safeguarding@cashel-emly.ie or on the mobile 087 3553024
Safeguarding Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Hear our voices as we pray for your care and protection.
Strengthen and guide us as we strive to make our Catholic communities a safe place for all.
We especially ask that the children and vulnerable adults you entrust to our care are protected.
Give us the wisdom and courage to listen with open hearts, see with open eyes, and speak out to ensure children and vulnerable adults are safe, loved, respected, and cared for.
May we also pray for those who have been harmed. Give them the courage to seek the truth and to heal.
Lord, you call us to walk with integrity in the service of others. May we all strive to understand our collective responsibility to work together to safeguard our Catholic communities.
Guide us as we build a community that fosters everyone to flourish and be safe.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Would you like to work as a Health Care Support Assistant?
The HSE require Health Care Support Assistants (formally known as Home Help) in the South Tipperary area.
If you would like more information on how you can join the team please see here or see the job search section on www.hse.ie using reference code: SECH21HCSA to find out more details.
Please note closing date is Monday 18th October at 12 noon and applications can only be accepted by email.
Hard Luck: To our U-17 hurling team who lost the Co. Semi Final to our Junior A team who lost the North Final and to our U-13 hurling team who lost the County Final all teams gave of their best but unfortunately came up short.
Thought for the week: Try harder, dream bigger do better. A good thought to start your Monday..
Tipperary County Council, with heritage consultant Derek Ryan, are conducting a survey of Holy Wells in County Tipperary. In phase I, we will create a searchable database and interactive website of Holy Wells in the County and record:
- folklore and record cultural traditions associated with holy wells
- identify the location of any ‘missing’ holy wells in County Tipperary
We hope this survey will raise awareness of Holy Wells in County Tipperary and their archaeological heritage & cultural significance.
With this baseline set, we aim to investigate a number of Holy Wells around the County with a field study.
We are asking you, the public, for any information you may have about your local Holy Well or a Holy Well that you have knowledge or interest in?
- Do you know if the well is dedicated to a particular saint?
- What is the name of the well known locally?
- Was there a pattern day set for this well?
- Were there associated customs such as rounds, particular prayers, depositions?
- Did the well have curative powers attributed to them and for what illnesses?
- Are there stories of specific people that were cured by a well?
- Other folklore or history associated with the well? Wells moving location etc.
- Do you have any photos of the well that you would like to share?
If you know of any holy wells in your area, please join this community project by emailing your information, stories and photos to the project TipperaryHolyWells@tipperarycoco.ie Or submitting through the project portal here https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/consultations/tipperary-holy-well-survey
This survey is an action of the Tipperary Heritage Plan 2017-2022 and funded by Tipperary County Council and The Heritage Council.
Borris-Ileigh GAA Club Notes
“Jimmy Finn – A Tipperary Legend” – Book Patron Appeal
My name is Martin Bourke, Clonmore, Templemore and for the past two years I have been working on the biography of former Borris-Ileigh and Tipperary hurler Jimmy Finn, and I aim to have it published by late November/early December, to coincide with his 90th birthday, which occurs on November 16th.
Jimmy had an illustrious hurling career which commenced in 1948 playing minor hurling with Tipperary and which came to a premature end in 1959 after he sustained an eye injury playing with his club against Roscrea in the North Tipperary championship. During this short time he won an All Ireland minor hurling medal in 1949, three All Ireland senior hurling medals in 1950, 1951 and 1958, and captained the team to victory in 1951 at the age of nineteen. He played for Munster on numerous occasions, winning four Railway Cup medals, played three times for Ireland against Combined Universities/The Rest, and he also won six National hurling league medals and played in two more finals. He won three county senior hurling championships with his club in 1949,1950 and 1953, and was awarded numerous Awards at Local, Provincial and National level, his greatest being his selection on the Team of the Century in 1984, a fitting tribute to his ability as a top class hurler. In early March this year he received the belated Tipperary Association Dublin Hall of Fame award for 2019.
In addition to his hurling success the book will also focus on the many other aspects of his fulfilled life, school, farming, cattle dealing, horses/greyhounds, community life in Borrisoleigh, life growing up in the Ireland of the 40/50/60’s, etc etc. I estimate the book will be a sizeable production of over 350 pages, with a big number of photographs.
In order to help defray the substantial publishing costs (circa €12,000) I am asking people to become ‘Patrons’ of the Book ‘Jimmy Finn A Tipperary Legend’ (front & back cover attached) at a cost of €50. Each Patron will be acknowledged in the book, receive a hardback copy of it and an invitation to Launch Night. I am extremely grateful to the officers of the Borris-Ileigh club who have kindly agreed to administer the Patron scheme on my behalf. The Patron scheme will remain open up until the end of October.
If you wish to become a Patron you can do so by contacting Mark Stapleton (086 814 3486) or Philip Fahey (087 291 6361) or any Member of the Borris-Ileigh GAA Club Committee.
You can also do it through a Bank Transfer to the following account.
IBAN: IE70 BOFI 9044 5611 3217 66
Your generosity is greatly appreciated. It’s a true honour to have the opportunity to document the life and times of one of Borris-Ileigh GAA’s most famous sons.
Thanking you
Martin Bourke
Pic of the Past

Parish League in the 1980s
Back: Philip Delaney, James Devitt, Tom Stakelum, Michael Glasheen and Jim Ryan
Front: Michael Carroll, Anthony Kennedy, P.J. Delaney and Noel Lanigan-Ryan
Your Website Needs You
Committee: Enda Ryan, Noreen Fahy, Marie McGrath, Derry O’Donnell
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items.
Remember, we need you to continue to send us material so that we can keep our website current and interesting.
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
This website is supported by Borrisoleigh Community Development Association.
While we make every effort possible to ensure that the information contained in this Website is accurate and complete, we cannot accept any legal liability as a result of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information presented to users of this site. We also reserve the right to edit material for suitability to a website format.
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook