
Brendan Maher and Paddy Stapleton make ‘the cut’ to officially open The New Borrisoleigh Community Centre
As the evening Mass concluded the crowds moved the short journey to be greeted by Fr. Liam Everard, PP and The Management Committee. Fr Liam blessed the Centre and local hurling heroes Brendan Maher and Paddy Stapleton cut the maroon and white, and blue and gold tapes to officially open Borrisoleigh Community Centre.
Everybody then moved into the ambiance and comfort of the new surroundings which were filled to capacity. Sean Crowley of North Tipperary Leader Partnership spoke of Leader’s involvement in the project. Kathleen Kennedy on behalf of the Parish Renewal Group gave a very comprehensive address. Fr Liam concluded the speeches with words of wit and wisdom interspersed with quotations from poets and scholars.
The large gathering was then treated to live entertainment by the Borrisoleigh Set Dancers, Clodagh Macra, Ballad Group, Ceolthas, Soloists Paddy Dolan and Hazel Holland.
As the soloists were singing so too were the kettles in the kitchen. Just in time for the well organised Volunteer Committee to serve a delightful cup of tea and finger food to everyone. This set the scene for a night of community interaction in a manner which could not have been previously facilitated.
We are very proud of this magnificent centre and the achievements involved in its erection during harsh economic times. Borrisoleigh Community Centre is now open for business to the local and wider community. Bookings and further information may be had by telephoning Marissa at (0504) 50643 between 9.30a.m. and 12.30p.m. from Monday to Friday.

The assembled crowd at the Official Blessing

The newly opened Borrisoleigh Community Centre

Sean Crowley of ‘Leader’ delivering his address

Borrisoleigh Ceoltas entertaining the crowd

Borrisoleigh Set Dancers tripping the light fantastic!

Brendan and Paddy with Fr. Liam and Declan

Brendan chatting with Sadie, Pat, Philly and Grace

Paddy and Hazel regale the crowd with their beautiful singing

Local parishioners enjoying the hospitality in our New Centre

Four lovely lassies from Borris!

A younger version of ‘Four lovely lassies from Borris’!

The Boyle Clan at the official opening

Our local talent share their singing talent with the crowd

Kathleen Kennedy recalls the story of the birth of our new community centre

C’mere ’til I tell ya!
Havin’ a laugh and enjoyin’ the night!
Good man Pat! – Eyes on the ball please!!!!!

Freda Hennessy R.I.P.

Archbishop Clifford with Mrs Ryan and Ms. Harrison with the Confirmation Class from Scoil Bhríde, Fantane

Archbishop Clifford with Mrs Butler, Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Keneally and The Confirmation Class from St. Theresa’s Girls’ School

Archbishop Clifford with Mrs. Ryan, Mrs Murray, Mr. Small and the Confirmation class from St. Patrick’s Boys’ School

Michaela with her family and friends
Enjoying a nice cuppa tea in the Community Centre after the ceremony
Archbishop Clifford with Frs Everard, Irwin and Barry and altar servers Liam, Laura, Daniel and Orla
Tara with her brother Tommy and dad and mam Pat and Phyllis
Avril with sisters Emma and Lorna and dad and mam Bobby and Elaine
John with his family, brother James, mam Trisha, dad Denis and brothers Daniel and Donnacha
Nickey with parents Frank and Patrice

Aedin with her family on the day of her Confirmation
Gurteeny Greets ‘Liam’!
Cliona, Christine, Kate, Aedin & Jane holding the Liam McCarthy Cup when it visited Gurteeney
Proud Tom holding the cup with David & Cathal getting a turn also

Main St., Templemore
Sunday 17th April
A family fundraising event with many top ceilí dancers, musicians and singers attending.
Prizes given for best fancy dress on the day
This event is being run in conjunction with TT Ram Rods Easter Run to Crumlin on the 23rd of April.
For more information CONTACT 086 – 0840654 or 086 – 3672435
Enrolments are now being taken for September 2011. Any parent wishing to enroll their child is asked to contact the school for an enrolment form (0504) 52220.
Under 8 and under 10 training will take place on Tuesday the 12th of April at 7pm in the Town Park. Membership of €10 per child is due and any girl aged 4 years are more than welcome.
Pic of the Past… down memory lane

First Lotto Winner in TheMarian Hall Draw
Back: Michael Donoghue, Michael Maher, Kathleen Ryan, Seamus Ryan, Liam O’Mahony, Jim Farrell and Timmy McSherry
Middle: Rev. Jimmy O’Donnell, Bernie Stapleton, Josie Treacy, Margaret Madden (at the back), Anne . . . , Nora Butler, Nancy Harkins and Liam Stapleton
Front: Gerry Ryan, Noirír Horrington (winner), Sadie Tynan and Kathleen Kennedy

Website Committee: Noreen Fahy, Margaret Cowan, Marie McGrath, Aileen Óg Groome, Michael Barry and Enda Ryan
Many thanks to all those who contributed photographs and news items for this weeks current news.
Well done!
Send your email to: info@borrisoleigh.ie
Also, if you like what you see and want to leave a comment, remember to use the Guestbook!